Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Research Proposal Example The main reason for conducting this research proposal is to find out the importance of outdoor activities in Kamloops. There have been a growing number of recreational facilities over the last ten years in Kamloops. Bilton (14) also argue that most of these recreational centers are utilized during summer time. This proposal will seek out to find information pertaining to the reason why many people prefer visiting outdoor activities during summer time. Many researchers argue that most people in the British Columbia, Canada prefer going for outdoor activities in their home country rather than foreign countries (Bilton 14). What main reasons could be attributed to this preference? The deep engagement of this question and others will establish the reasons why native outdoor recreation facilities are preferred. From the government’s point of view, outdoor activities help them in earning revenue that they use to provide goods and services to the nationals. However, questions have been arising, whether they are undertaking the necessary steps to control and promote these recreational facilities. External markets also exist and they seek to attract as many customers as possible, regardless of their localities. Therefore, the role of the government in this exercise should also be established. What do the residents of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, as well as the state stand to gain from these outdoor exercises? The examination of the accruing benefits is virtually important. Establishing the benefits may also give a glimpse on what to expect in terms of sales and customers. For effective implementation of these activities, positive effects should outweigh the negative effects (Pender et al. 35). On establishing the various significances that relate to outward exercises, various stakeholders can now take the necessary steps and measures to boldly expand their activities and improve on

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ell Assessments Essay Example for Free

Ell Assessments Essay With the rise in immigrant students comes a rise in students who do not speak English. Schools are facing the need to not only teach these students their regular academics but also a new language. In Guthrie, Oklahoma, there may seem like there would not be as much need for such programs but the fact is that English language learners are also here. ELL students need assistance from the schools they attend in order to master their English skills and be able to become productive citizens when they graduate. Schools have had to come up with procedures to identify ELL students, assess and monitor their learning and proficiency, keep teachers informed, and ensure ELL students access to grade-level content and develop language simultaneously. When a new student enters school in Guthrie, Oklahoma first they are required to fill out a home language survey form, (Oklahoma Department of Education, 2012). This form basically asks what the primary language spoken at home is. If another language other than English is spoken then students are required to take the WIDA placement test, (Miles, 2013). If a student scores below a 5. 0 they are considered to be an English language learner, (Miles, 2013). That is how they identify ELL students at Guthrie Public Schools. Parents also need to be informed of these tests wither 30 days before school starts or within two weeks of school starting, (Oklahoma Department of Education, 2012). Throughout the school year schools have to assess ELL students to determine their progress. At Guthrie public schools ELL students in elementary school are monitored for progress every quarter by a bilingual tutor, (Miles, 2013). In junior and high school students are monitored daily by their teachers for progress, (Miles, 2013). The tutor and teacher monitor students social activities, their regular classroom environment, their activity in class, behavior, learning comprehension, as well as formal assessments. Formal assessments are tests done every quarter to see how much a student has progressed from the previous quarter. If a student is being social with other students during recess, actively participating in class, and learning the curriculum being taught then the ELL student is considered to be learning and comprehending English. ELL students are exempt from taking standardized tests for two years so they can become proficient in how to read, write, speak, and understand English, (Miles, 2013). Students must show proficiency in English in order to not be considered ELL anymore, (Oklahoma Department of Education, 2012). Another important part of ensuring the progress of ELL student is keeping their teachers informed of ELL students status. The way Guthrie public schools inform teachers of the ELLs status is by sending them and email or letter with a copy of their test scores, (Miles, 2013). Teachers need to make accommodations for the students because they want the ELL students completely immersed in English. ELL students attend regular classes with regular peers, (Miles, 2013). Teachers assess ELL students daily just like they assess non ELL students. They do informal assessments like how they participate and communicate in the classroom to assess how they are progressing in English language proficiency and comprehending the curriculum. Formal assessments teachers may do would be homework sheets where students need to fill in the blank with the correct word or a spelling test. Teachers take the grades ELL students make in their class and assess if students need extra help like a tutor to better their English proficiency skills, (Miles, 2013). The way a school helps an ELL student achieve proficiency will vary depending on the requirements of the school district and state. Guthrie public schools is located in central Oklahoma. In the 2009-2010 Guthrie public schools had 108 English language learners out of 3,309 total students enrolled in the school district, (USA. com, 2011). They have adapted all of the state requirements which meet the federal No Child Left Behind act. Regardless, of the number of ELL students or location of the school, there school always be a way to identify, assess progress and proficiency level, keep teachers informed of ELLs language proficiency and ensure ELL students have access to grade-level content and develop new language skills simultaneously. Schools should always be prepared to receive new students into their school and welcome them with a positive school spirit. REFERENCES Miles, S. (2013). Phone interview, Head of ELL department for Guthrie Public Schools. Oklahoma Department of Education. (2012). Identification and Exit Criteria for Oklahomas English Language Learners. Retrieved from: http://ok. gov/sde/sites/ok. gov. sde/files/Bilingual-ID-ExitCriteria. pdf.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis Of The Leadership Of Kim Jong Il History Essay

Analysis Of The Leadership Of Kim Jong Il History Essay It is believed to be important to examine the life and leadership style of Kim Jong Il for several reasons. Among these reasons are the following. There is much talk about an absolute and/or unquestioning loyalty to Jong Il (e.g. Kang, 2006; Pollack, 2009), and it is deemed important to understand the reason for this. In addition, although North Korea bears the description The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, its political ideology appears to be in no way linked to democracy, and it is believed that the reason for this should be investigated. Also, of grave concern is how the people of North Korea continue to remain in submission to the inhumane treatment that they have been receiving, and how they have managed (i.e. despite the atrocities taking place in their country) to maintain the ideology that their homeland is literally Paradise on Earth (Hyun Sik, 2008, p.50). What allows North Koreans to perpetuate the thought that they are living in a chosen land (Hyun Sik, 2008, p.50) ? Does their political leader have anything to do with it? What about his leadership style? This paper is expected to unearth the truth behind the North Korean situation. It is believed to be important to understand the North Korean situation through the image of its leader, because of the nature of his leadership. Jong Il is described as one who has assumed absolute control of North Korea (Kang, 2006). He is what is known as a dictator. Consequently, it is believed that if he were to be properly examined then it may be understood why he is the way he is, how the people of North Korea have been affected by his rule as well as how things may be able to turn around for his country and people. To gain the above understanding, an academic research will be conducted on Jong Il in an effort to be able to assess his life and leadership style to gain the desired result. This research will be conducted in the form of a literature review. First the leaders biography will be presented followed by which his leadership style will be diagnosed and assessed within the context of Nahavandis text book on leadership (i.e. The Art and Science of Leadership, fifth edition). Through an analysis of the literature and Nahavandis text, the parallels between Jong Ils leadership style and the concepts discussed within the text will be identified in order for a critical assessment of the North Korean political leadership situation to take place. This assessment should be what will produce a conceptual understanding of the present political leadership within the North Korean context as well as how this leadership situation not only coincides with what Nahavandi (2009) presents, but also works to a ffect the lives of the North Korean people (i.e. inclusive of its leader, Jong Il, the one in question). A brief history of the leader It is unclear when Kim Jong Il was born as well as under what circumstances his birth took place. Jong Il, according to Pike (2009), was born on the 16th day of February, 1941. AE Television Networks (2009) also stated the same date of birth for Jong Il. However, both Pike (2009) and AE Television Networks (2009), acknowledge that Jong Ils year of birth was subsequently adjusted to 1942. The reason given by Pike (2009) for this change was that the same was expected to necessitate a thirty-year age difference between Jong Il and his father Il Sung. The circumstances surrounding Jong Ils birth remain a mystery. Many accounts have been given of the same. Some of these accounts include the following: Jong Ils family claimed that a swallow foretold his birth; others claim that a double rainbow appeared over Mount Baekdu when he was born, while some even stated that with the event of his birth, a new star appeared in the heavens. All these theories surrounding his birth take root in what is described as a cult of personality, which simply illustrates that legend and official North Korean government accounts describe [Jong Ils] life, character, and actions in ways that promote and legitimize his leadership (AE Television Networks, 2009). Needless to say, whether Jong Il was born in Khabarovsk, USSR or in a secret camp on Mt. Baekdu in Samjiyon County, Ryanggang Province (Pike, 2009), there appears to be something mystic about this leader. If there was not, then why would all of North Korea hail him as the Dear Leader and interpret hi s as well as his fathers existence through an analogy of Jesus Christ and God (i.e. with Jong Il being made to represent Jesus Christ in the minds of the North Korean people, while his father, Il Sung, is being made to represent God in the minds of the same) (AE Television Networks, 2009; Kang, 2006)? As Kang (2006) stated, the people of North Korea literally worship Jong Il just as they worshipped his father Kim Il Sung. One North Korean gave the following account of Jong Il: General Kim Jong Il is a rare great man of Baekdu type who was born at Mt. Baekdu, the sacred mountain of our nation, and made an unusual growth amidst the special revolutionary education of his parents, brilliant commanders of Baekdu, as well as the practical training of the revolutionary struggle. He personifies the revolutionary spirit, trait and nature of Mt. Baekdu. The revolutionary spirit of Mt. Baekdu personified by him is the spirit of independence associated with the soul of Baekdu, the spirit of gun inheriting the linage of Baekdu, the indefatigable revolutionary spirit replete with the mettle of Baekdu and the optimistic spirit consistent with cheerfulness of Baekdu. The revolutionary trait of Mt. Baekdu possessed by him is pluck and courage of Baekdu-style giant, ever-victorious sagacity of the brilliant commander of Baekdu, broad-mindedness befitting a heroic man, organizing ability of leading millions of people, indefatigable attacking spirit, strong ability of executi on (Pike, 2009). As mystic as Jong Il may have appeared, he was seen as one who demonstrated loyalty to his father Il Sung. This loyalty, according to Pike (2009), was demonstrated through Jong Ils involvement of the purging of his fathers guerrilla cronies as well as those who were not deemed personal friends of the Great Leader (Kang, 2006). It is believed that this loyalty to his father is what made him his fathers successor. Jong Il was described as forever being in politics. He was noted as being active in the Childrens Union a youth organization that promotes the concept of Juche (the spirit of self-reliance) as well as in the Democratic Youth League, where he engaged in the study of Marxist ideology (i.e. in relation to politics) (AE Television Networks, 2009). It is believed that in 1974, Jong Il was named the successor of the revolutionary cause of Juche, and that between 1971 and 1980; he was given positions of increasing importance within the Korean Workers Party (Pike, 2009). When Jong Il was named successor to the cause of Juche, he reportedly embarked on an initiative, which saw to the advancement of the program, which was concerned with the imbuing of the entire Korean society with the Juche ideology (Pike, 2009). Kim Jong Il reportedly had an interest in many disciplines, none of which he was particularly good at (Hyun Sik, 2008). One of the disciplines Jong Il was interested in was the arts. He was described by AE Television Networks (2009) as the overseer of the Propaganda and Agitation department in his country. This department was the one responsible for controlling the media as well as for censorship (AE Television Networks, 2009). As leader of this department, Jong Il reportedly used the mass media, literature and art, all media that fall under the umbrella term popular culture, to stretch his public image as well as to obtain popular support for himself (Pike, 2009). When Jong Ils father died in 1994, Jong Il reportedly assumed supreme power over the North Korean state. It is through this acquisition of power that Jong Il à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦micro-manages every detail of government business (Pike, 2009). Pike (2009) describes Jong Il as being opposite to his father. He is described as being impatient as well as a vivid displayer of extemporaneous behaviours. Jong Il is described as being arrogant and self-centered in policy decision making, unappreciative of criticism as well as opposing opinion and emotional when it comes to displaying his likes and dislikes (Pike, 2009). However, on his softer side, Jong Il is known to be a lover of movies (e.g. James Bond movies) and is known to have a personal collection of films in excess of 20000 (AE Television Networks, 2009). Nevertheless, despite the latter, Jong Il can be thought of as a sad case, because his legitimacy as ruler of North Korea is determined by the said countrys political system. As a result, Jong Il remains prisoner to a system into which he was born. There is nothing Jong Il could do to reform his nations political system without undermining his own legitimacy. Therefore, his only rational option is to uphold the system (P ike, 2009). Jong Ils upholding of the system is notably in the best interest of his country. A critical assessment of the life and leadership style of Kim Jong Il Kim Jong Il, on the basis of his biography, can be deemed a charismatic leader. However, he is of the unethical type. He is deemed a charismatic leader because he shows forth characteristics such as a high degree of self-confidence (expressed through his firm belief in his ideology), strong convictions about his ideas (which is based on him being unaccepting of criticisms as well as opposing opinions), expressiveness (manifested through his description of being an emotionally expressive individual) as well as activeness in image building (expressed through his use of popular culture to expand his popular image) (Nahavandi, 2009; Pike, 2009). However, although the above is true of Jong Il, he is also deemed to be unethical for several reasons. Jong Il is noted to use his power for personal gain or impact and to promote his personal vision (i.e. through the use of the Propaganda and Agitation Department), to censure critical or opposing views (i.e. through his unaccepting of them), to demand that his decisions be accepted without question (as manifested through the unquestioning compliance spoken of by Kang, 2006), to use one-way communication, and to be insensitive to followers needs (accounted for through Kangs description of the sufferings that the people of Korea are made to endure at the hand of Jong Il) (Howell Avolio, 1992). Although Jong Il uses his power indiscriminately, he can still be considered an effective leader. This is because based on the circumstances in his country; he uses his power to maintain the stability required for the effective functioning of the same. It may not be the view of many outside of North Korea. However, with the level of brainwashing the people of that land have received nothing seems wrong for most of not all. As it was noted earlier, even though Jong Ils leadership style is not the best, he has no choice than to ensure that it is perpetuated. This is because if he chooses to change the way his authority is ascribed to him (i.e. to reform the political system in his country); he will be doing himself more harm than good. As Pike (2009) described, Jong Il is a prisoner to the system; a prisoner in that even if he wants to change the system, he would not, because of the unwillingness to give up his supreme, divine status. It is what grants him his legitimacy as political l eader of North Korea, and it therefore cannot be changed without upsetting the present leaders legitimacy to rule over the state. Jong Il can therefore be placed within the context of the contingency era of leadership. This is because as Fiedler describes, his effectiveness as a leader is based on a match between his leadership style and the leadership situation (Nahavandi, 2009). Jong Il is effective as a leader because his leadership style matches his leadership situation (Nahavandi, 2009). Jong Ils leadership personality can also be interpreted in terms of the behaviorist perspective. It can be thought that Jong Il was trained to be the type of leader that he is. His father, Il Sung, ensured that Jong Il was groomed in a particular way from young. He (Jong Il) was made to attend specific schools; namely, Namsan Primary School (a school he later destroyed through bombing), Namsan Higher Middle School, and Kim Il Sung University (AE Television Networks, 2009; Hyun Sik, 2008). According to Hyun Sik (2008), these schools (afore mentioned) were reserved for the elite of the North Korean society, in particular, party officials above the rank of vice minister (p.47). At these schools, the concept of Juche was taught. Apart from attending these schools, Jong Il was able to nurse the Juche ideology from being in close contact with his father as well as through his involvement with the Childrens Union. Consequently, he was able to perpetuate its existence. Jong Il believably lea rned to be a dictator, an autocratic, because as his former instructor described, he was a shy young man (Hyun Sik, 2008). But what made him acquire this leadership personality? It is believed that Jong Il was predisposed to acquire certain behavioral characteristics that would have allowed him to be an effective leader today. It is believed that Jong Il was exposed to a great deal of charismatic experiences throughout his early life. As a result of this it is assumed that he has adopted a certain degree of charisma and that this very charisma is what he was able to use to sway the minds of the Korean people in the direction that he wanted them to go. Jong Il, because of his ability to manipulate the minds of the North Korean people, through the channel of indoctrination, as accounted for by Lankov (2007), can be described as an individual who scores high on the Machiavellian personality scale. Jong Il and his parents crafty use of supernatural accounts at the time of his birth were used to convince the people of North Korea that Jong Il is a deity. Consequently, the North Korean people found themselves worshipping Jong Il in much the same way as they worshi pped his father (Kang, 2006). Apart from Jong Il being made to look like a deity, he reportedly did all in his power to keep the people of North Korea thinking and acting in a particular way, a way that would ensure the continued legitimacy of his power that flows from his position as Supreme Leader/Ruler of the DPRK. For example, as stated by Lankov (2007), North Korea has maintained a self-imposed information blockade that is without parallel (p.71). North Koreans are not allowed to have free tuning radios, neither are they allowed to listen to news casts and programs that are from sources outside North Korea. This news blackout is supposed to keep North Koreans believing that their country is an earthly paradise (Lankov, 2007, p.71). In this way, North Koreans will cast a blind eye upon the inhumanities that Jong Il is said to bestow upon them, because they supposedly do not know any better. In other words, their reality is based purely on what Jong Il feeds them. So, although North Koreans may feel in their h earts and minds that something is wrong with the political leadership in their country (if even they do), they will continue to exist within a false reality, because of the unadulterated doctrine, which has been ingrained deep within their psyche. Continuing on the subject of power, the other sources of power that Kim Jong Il possesses is that of Coercive Power and Reverent Power. Nahavandi states that coercive power is the leaders ability to punish; persons comply for fear of this punishment. Kim Jong Il exercises his Coercive Power by ensuring that he attains full compliance from the people by instilling fear in them by threatening to arrest persons who refuses to adhere to his directives; deeming them political criminals. Jong Il also received Reverent Power through his coercive tactics on his people. He did this by mandating the people to worship him and his father and demanded that all believed and followed the principles of Juche. So not only was he their political leader her was their spiritual leader qualifying his Reverent power. Jong Il is accused of committing many heinous crimes against the North Korean people. Kang (2006) argues that he should be charged for crimes of war as well as of genocide. Kang (2006) argues that although Jong Il may not commit these crimes himself, he (in one way or another) sanctions them. Kang (2006) was careful to mention that the people of North Korea were mistreated on the basis of their religion and nationality. Christians and what were described as half-Han Chinese infants fathered by Chinese or other non-Koreans fell victim to Jong Ils rule. Women, who fled to China and got pregnant there, and were later forced to return to North Korea, were forced to have abortions. In the case of religion, any one who was deemed associated with any other religion besides Juche was persecuted by Jong Il. These persons were typically those who fled to countries outside North Korea seeking refuge, and were suspected of being influenced by outside intervention. However, unfortunately for th em, they were forced to return to their home land (Kang, 2006) where they paid the ultimate penalty for their supposed spiritual fornication. According to Kang (2006): One person testified that she saw prison security officers kill several Christians by pouring molten iron on them after they refused to renounce their religion and accept the state ideology of Juche. In particular, members of underground Christian churches and persons in contact with Christian missionaries have been subjected to harsh punishment, prolonged detention without charge, torture, or execution (p.99). Jong Il is so adamant about his belief in Juche that he went to great lengths to gain compliance from all persons dwelling within his territory of rule. Kang (2006) stated that the citizens of North Korea were literally mandated to worship Jong Il and his father based on what was known as the Ten Great Principles of Unique Ideology. Persons failing to comply with this order became political or ideological criminals and were made to suffer much abuse (inclusive of rape and the deprivation of food and medicine) (Kang, 2006). No one was spared the wrath of Jong Il from the smallest and most innocent of children to the oldest of adults, were made to suffer the consequences of their perceived defiance to Jong Il. For example, it was noted by Kang (2006) that Jong Il punished a nine year old and his family, because the child innocently scribbled over the faces of Jong Il and his father Il Sung that were printed in his text book. Neither the child nor his family was ever seen again; they l iterally vanished off the face of the earth. The interesting thing about Jong Il is that he ensured that he was awarded compliance from his citizens by instilling fear in them. Kang (2006) noted that In addition to [a] cult-like mentality [existing in North Korea], a culture of surveillance pervade[d] [the] North Korean societyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (p.56). Every individual was literally placed as each others watch man to ensure that each individual was living according to Jong Ils rules and/or orders. The Peoples Security Agency, the State Security Protection Agency, and the Korean Workers Party each plant[ed] their own informants in all work-places and units of organization', and since no one knew who exactly was an informant, they were all forced to be on their Ps and Qs (i.e. to be on their best behavior) (Kang, 2006). All these efforts to ensure forced compliance to Jong Il illustrates that the North Korean leader is definitely a high Mach because he is more than willing to do whatever is necessary to gain his desired end (i.e. e ven though it means manipulating other people [as he evidently did] or gaining his desires at the expense of other individuals). From the preceding essay, it can be deduced that Kim Jong Il is definitely the leader of a brutal dictatorship. He displays qualities of an autocrat, because he makes decisions on his own (i.e. without being opposed). The literature exposed him as one being intolerant of criticism and disfavoring of opposing opinions. Jong Il was described as a leader to which there was an unquestioning loyalty. Everything he ordered was executed by his subordinates (i.e. the people over which he ruled) without question. This occurred irrespective of whether the actions were right or wrong. Jong Il was termed a high Mach because he was seen as one using the legitimacy of his power to manipulate his followers into doing precisely what he wanted them to do (i.e. without care for how his desires were affecting the persons directly involved). Jong Il utilized fear tactics to ensure that he gained the compliance he required another indicator that he would score high on the Machiavellian personality scale. Apart from severely punishing people for defying him, he placed the North Korean people against each other by making them all spies for him. The North Korean leader appeared to be a possessor of charismatic qualities (i.e. he was deemed to be one born with special qualities for a special purpose). His birth was described as supernatural in occurrence, and the activities surrounding his birth were used as a tactic to gain the desired support from his followers. Jong Il, despite his negative qualities, appears to be an effective leader because he is able to maintain the stability required in his country. He appears to be operating under the contingency model of leadership because his leadership style appears to be directly related to his leadership situation. However, although Jong Il appears to be an effective leader, he is one that is unethical for various reasons. For example, Jong Il is noted to use his power for personal gain or impact and to promote his personal vision, to censure critical or opposing views, to demand that his decisions be accepted without question, to use one-way communication, and to be insensitive to followers needs all actions that are unethical by Howell and Avolios standards. Jong Il appears to be an explicit case of the nature/nurture principle. He is believed to be endowed with certain character traits (e.g. influence and/or charisma) nature that together with his ideology (Juche) and/or trained behavioral characteristics (authoritarianism or dictatorship) shapes his leadership style nurture. Jong Ils personality and leadership style have created a North Korea that sparks immense interest from the outside world. Apart from them being interpreted as treacherous, it is still unfathomable how the people of North Korea, at the hands of one man, can live to accept such an inhumane political system, and comply with it unquestioningly. Could this be a case demonstrating the share power of indoctrination or is it that North Koreas leader has emerged to be so powerful and feared, because his society provides the grounds for him to do so? Some food for thought.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Daisy Horne Ms. Soppe English 101 18 November 2013 Abortion should be Illegal In 2008, approximately 1.21 million abortions took place in the U.S. This proves many people have desensitized themselves by taking human lives. Also, within the last decade moral values have changed drastically. People have also lost a sense of responsibility. Irresponsibility has led from small actions to big ones, such as getting an abortion. Everyday women choose to throw their own child away. Christians feel that abortion is synonymous with killing a life. Every life is a special one. Every life contributes to a bigger picture but people have given numerous â€Å"excuses† to explain their actions. If a person goes directly to prison for murdering someone then it shouldn’t be any different for a mother aborting her child. God doesn’t give special rights to pregnant women to make abortion okay. Abortion is unacceptable, cruel and an unethical practice that should be illegal. Many people aren’t even aware of what an abortion really is. An abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. There are two types of abortion, medical abortion and surgical abortion. A medical abortion involves taking the drug mifepristone; often called the abortion pill. A woman seeking a medical abortion can obtain one through doctors or through a medical office. Whichever way an abortion procedure is performed it is still wrong and cruel (Lowen 1). It’s personally known that some international ministries have built orphanages because of the lack of children to adopt. One international ministry just recently rescued 8 boys from slavery in Ghana, Africa. Ministries, organizations, and companies globally look for ways to promote a healthy living for young babies. Even i... ... from "What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?" Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 13 May 2013. Hernandez, Barbara. "Rape Justifies Abortion." Abortion. Ed. Tamara L. Roleff. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 13 May 2013. "Abortion" 8 May 2013. Web. 13 May. 2013. Smith, Mailee R. "Parents Have a Right to Know About Teen Abortion." Teens and Privacy. Ed. Noà «l Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "Parental Involvement Laws: Protecting Minors and Parental Rights." Defending Life 2009. Americans United for Life, 2009. 177-179.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 13 May 2013. Stacey, Dawn, M.Ed., LMHC. "About Abortion - Abortion Procedures." Contraception. 3 August 2009. The Holy Bible. Wheaton, Illinois: Good News, 2011. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Polythene: Plastic Shopping Bags

Polythene pollution is everywhere, and the problem is getting worse. For most of us, the problem is seen as one of visual pollution, where plastic bags litter streets, roadways, and in some cases scenic areas across the country. No one will argue that polythene is useful. The plastic bags we use to carry home food or products are for the most part very light and very strong. Using these bags is not really the problem. The problem, leading to polythene pollution, is the improper methods of disposing of the bags.They've been marketed as throw-away items, and that is all too often what we do, except they don’t always end up in the garbage. Save A Tree – Polythene wasn't introduced as a bad thing. It wasn't all that many years ago that we started using plastic bags to â€Å"save a tree†. By using paper bags for groceries, it seemed like we were cutting down trees, using the wood or pulp products on a one time basis, and then throwing the product away. The message was , we were on the verge of making a renewable resource, trees, a non-renewable one.everal design options and features are available. Some bags have gussets to allow a higher volume of contents. Some have the ability to stand up on a shelf or a refrigerator. Some have easy-opening or reclosable options. Handles are cut into or added onto some.Plastic bags usually use less material than comparable boxes, cartons, or jars, thus are often considered as â€Å"reduced or minimized packaging†.Depending on the construction, plastic bags can be well suited for plastic recycling. They can be incinerated in appropriate facilities for waste-to-energy conversion. They are stable and benign in sanitary landfills. If disposed of improperly, however, plastic bags can create unsightly litter and harm some types of wildlife.Bags are also made with carrying handles, hanging holes, tape attachments, security features, etc. Some bags have provisions for easy and controlled opening. Reclosable feat ures, including press-to-seal zipper strips such as Ziploc, are common for kitchen bags. Some bags are sealed and can only be opened by destroying the packaging, providing some tamper-evident capability.Bags can be made with a variety of plastics films. Polyethylene (LDPE, LLDPE etc.) is the most common. Other forms, including laminates and coextrusions can be used when the physical properties are needed.Boil-in-bags are often used for sealed frozen foods, sometimes complete entres. The bags are usually tough heat-sealed nylon or polyester to withstand the temperatures of boiling water. Some bags are porous or perforated to allow the hot water to contact the food: rice, noodles, etc.Bag-In-Box packaging is often used for liquids such as wine and institutional sizes of other liquids.Often times, children may attempt to use bags as a sort of makeshift kite. By tying string to the handles, they are able to successfully glide them, provided there is a gentle breeze, until they lose thei r grip or grow weary of holding them and simply let go, unaware of the fact that they are endangering animals' lives.Plastic shopping bagsMain article: Plastic shopping bag Open bags with carrying handles are used in large numbers nationwide. Stores often provide them as a convenience to shoppers. Some stores charge a nominal fee for a bag. Heavy-duty reusable shopping bags are often considered environmentally better than single-use paper or plastic shopping bags.Waste disposal bagsMain article: Bin bag Flexible intermediate bulk container Main article: Flexible intermediate bulk container Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (Big bags, bulk bags, etc.) are large industrial containers, usually used for powders or flowables.Use of plastic bags internationallyThe number of plastic bags used worldwide has been estimated to be on the order of 1 trillion annually. The use of plastic bags differs dramatically across countries. While the average consumer in China uses only 2 or 3 plastic bags a year, the numbers are much higher in most other countries: Denmark: 4, Ireland: 18, Germany: 65, USA: > 300, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia: more than 400. In order to reduce plastic bag consumption, the European Union has suggested to pass new regulations.Danger to childrenThin plastic bags, especially dry cleaning bags, have the potential for causing suffocation. About 25 children in the United States suffocate each year due to plastic bags, 99.2% are under the age of one. This has led to voluntary warning labels on some bags which may pose a hazard to small children.Danger to marine wildlifePlastic bags, which escape the garbage collection process, often end up in streams, which then lead them to end up in the open ocean. Because they float, and resemble a jellyfish, plastic bags pose significant dangers to marine mammals, such as Leatherback sea turtles, when they enter their digestive tract. Because plastic bags cause damage to ocean marine life, litter city streets, and cont ribute to carbon emissions in their manufacture and shipping, some towns in the United States, including San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Seattle, WA and Austin, TX have begun to ban or restrict the use of plastic bags, usually starting with plastic shopping bags. Polythene: Plastic Shopping Bags Polythene pollution is everywhere, and the problem is getting worse. For most of us, the problem is seen as one of visual pollution, where plastic bags litter streets, roadways, and in some cases scenic areas across the country. No one will argue that polythene is useful. The plastic bags we use to carry home food or products are for the most part very light and very strong. Using these bags is not really the problem. The problem, leading to polythene pollution, is the improper methods of disposing of the bags. They've been marketed as throw-away items, and that is all too often what we do, except they don’t always end up in the garbage.Save A Tree – Polythene wasn't introduced as a bad thing. It wasn't all that many years ago that we started using plastic bags to â€Å"save a tree†. By using paper bags for groceries, it seemed like we were cutting down trees, using the wood or pulp products on a one time basis, and then throwing the product away. The message was , we were on the verge of making a renewable resource, trees, a non-renewable one. everal design options and features are available. Some bags have gussets to allow a higher volume of contents. Some have the ability to stand up on a shelf or a refrigerator. Some have easy-opening or reclosable options.Handles are cut into or added onto some. Plastic bags usually use less material than comparable boxes, cartons, or jars, thus are often considered as â€Å"reduced or minimized packaging†. Depending on the construction, plastic bags can be well suited for plastic recycling. They can be incinerated in appropriate facilities for waste-to-energy conversion. They are stable and benign in sanitary landfills. If disposed of improperly, however, plastic bags can create unsightly litter and harm some types of wildlife. [3][4] Bags are also made with carrying handles, hanging holes, tape attachments, security features, etc.Some bags have provisions for easy and controlled opening. Reclos able features, including press-to-seal zipper strips such as Ziploc, are common for kitchen bags. Some bags are sealed and can only be opened by destroying the packaging, providing some tamper-evident capability. Bags can be made with a variety of plastics films. Polyethylene (LDPE, LLDPE etc. ) is the most common. Other forms, including laminates and coextrusions can be used when the physical properties are needed. Boil-in-bags are often used for sealed frozen foods, sometimes complete entres.The bags are usually tough heat-sealed nylon or polyester to withstand the temperatures of boiling water. Some bags are porous or perforated to allow the hot water to contact the food: rice, noodles, etc. Bag-In-Box packaging is often used for liquids such as wine and institutional sizes of other liquids. Often times, children may attempt to use bags as a sort of makeshift kite. By tying string to the handles, they are able to successfully glide them, provided there is a gentle breeze, until t hey lose their grip or grow weary of holding them and simply let go, unaware of the fact that they are endangering animals' lives.Plastic shopping bags[edit] Main article: Plastic shopping bag Open bags with carrying handles are used in large numbers nationwide. Stores often provide them as a convenience to shoppers. Some stores charge a nominal fee for a bag. Heavy-duty reusable shopping bags are often considered environmentally better than single-use paper or plastic shopping bags. Waste disposal bags[edit] Main article: Bin bag Flexible intermediate bulk container[edit] Main article: Flexible intermediate bulk container Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (Big bags, bulk bags, etc.) are large industrial containers, usually used for powders or flowables.Use of plastic bags internationally[edit] The number of plastic bags used worldwide has been estimated to be on the order of 1 trillion annually. The use of plastic bags differs dramatically across countries. While the average co nsumer in China uses only 2 or 3 plastic bags a year, the numbers are much higher in most other countries: Denmark: 4, Ireland: 18, Germany: 65, USA: > 300, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia: more than 400. In order to reduce plastic bag consumption, the European Union has suggested to pass new regulations.Danger to children[edit] Thin plastic bags, especially dry cleaning bags, have the potential for causing suffocation. About 25 children in the United States suffocate each year due to plastic bags, 99. 2% are under the age of one. This has led to voluntary warning labels on some bags which may pose a hazard to small children. Danger to marine wildlife[edit] Plastic bags, which escape the garbage collection process, often end up in streams, which then lead them to end up in the open ocean.Because they float, and resemble a jellyfish, plastic bags pose significant dangers to marine mammals, such as Leatherback sea turtles, when they enter their digestive tract. Because plastic bags cause da mage to ocean marine life, litter city streets, and contribute to carbon emissions in their manufacture and shipping, some towns in the United States, including San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Seattle, WA and Austin, TX have begun to ban or restrict the use of plastic bags, usually starting with plastic shopping bags.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Political factors affecting business Essay

Monitoring, understanding, and adapting to the political environment is absolutely essential for any business, because it significantly affects every apect of their working. Some political factors includeisPOLITICAL FACTORS AFFECTING BUSINESS Monitoring, understanding, and adapting to the political environment is absolutely essential for any business, because it significantly affects every aspect of their working. Some political factors include †¢Stability of the government †¢Government type- monarchy, democracy, theocracy, etc. Economic policy of the government †¢Trade policy †¢Diplomatic events in surrounding countries Furthermore, political context can change for the foreseeable future. POLITICAL FACTORS AFFECTING BUSINESS Monitoring, understanding, and adapting to the political environment is absolutely essential for any business, because it significantly affects every aspect of their working. Some political factors include †¢Stability of the government †¢Government type- monarchy, democracy, theocracy, etc. †¢Economic policy of the government Trade policy †¢Diplomatic events in surrounding countries Furthermore, political context can change for the foreseeable future. POLITICAL FACTORS AFFECTING BUSINESS Monitoring, understanding, and adapting to the political environment is absolutely essential for any business, because it significantly affects every aspect of their working. Some political factors include †¢Stability of the government †¢Government type- monarchy, democracy, theocracy, etc. †¢Economic policy of the government †¢Trade policy Diplomatic events in surrounding countries Furthermore, political context can change for the foreseeable future. POLITICAL FACTORS AFFECTING BUSINESS Monitoring, understanding, and adapting to the political environment is absolutely essential for any business, because it significantly affects every aspect of their working. Some political factors include †¢Stability of the government †¢Government type- monarchy, democracy, theocracy, etc. †¢Economic policy of the government †¢Trade policy †¢Diplomatic events in surrounding countries Furthermore, political context can change for the foreseeable future. POLITICAL FACTORS AFFECTING BUSINESS Monitoring, understanding, and adapting to the political environment is absolutely essential for any business, because it significantly affects every aspect of their working. Some political factors include †¢Stability of the government †¢Government type- monarchy, democracy, theocracy, etc. †¢Economic policy of the government †¢Trade policy †¢Diplomatic events in surrounding countries Furthermore, political context can change for the foreseeable future.