Saturday, February 15, 2020

International Marketing Strategy (Entry Mode) for Chinese Household Dissertation

International Marketing Strategy (Entry Mode) for Chinese Household Electric Appliance Enterprises into the UK Market - Dissertation Example Add into the mix a market on another continent, in a different language group, various political system, and a changing business culture and the process of successfully navigating the waters can be difficult indeed. In order for international companies to stay successful in today’s quickly changing and increasingly global business community, it is important to constantly be innovating and looking for viable expansion opportunities when they present themselves. The People’s Republic of China has countless small and medium sized companies that are well situated to move into global markets. Many of the industries are firmly rooted in the manufacture and sale of household appliances. A growing market for such appliances has been realized in the region of the United Kingdom. Expansion into the United Kingdom does not come without perceived risks. This study first looks at the market conditions that need to be evident before a Chinese firm can realistically explore moving int o the United Kingdom. The project also examines the unique nature of business in the UK and how those differences need to be accommodated by the Chinese company looking to expand. In the end, the study looks at the three main entry modes into a new international market, highlight the positive and negative aspects of each, in an effort to determine which might be best suited to the small and medium sized Chinese appliance company. The theory of cultural distance is also explored to determine how Chinese companies can best minimize the great divide that currently exists between the two companies. Since we know that cultural distance increases risk, an analysis is needed to determine just how much risk a given firm is willing to accept. In addition, various options for entry need to first be explored in order to narrow the cultural distance currently in existence. In the end, a primary objective of this project was to conduct actual field research by contacting various Chinese firms ei ther interested in the UK market or they are already conducting business there. Advice and insight was solicited about how small and medium sized Chinese appliance companies should best explore future expansion into the United Kingdom. What follows is a synopsis of these findings. 1. Introduction International business, by its very nature, is a complex and difficult landscape to navigate. Various legalities exist that certainly provide a barrier to entry into many markets. While it is certainly feasible, many companies struggle to justify the time, expense, and expertise to successfully enter into a new market and to be financially prudent at the same time. China is obviously an international manufacturing powerhouse, making nearly every type of conceivable product available on the market today. Domestic consumption alone, however, can only carry an economy the size of China so far. It is prudent to explore international markets and to make a successful entry into various product ca tegories and often and seamlessly as possible. China has long been known for its household

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Physician Assisted Suicide in the United States Research Paper

Physician Assisted Suicide in the United States - Research Paper Example The question then can turn to the reason for the action, whether passive or aggressive, that will end in death. One must contemplate whether or not it is always considered suicide if an action will inevitably end in death. If this is true, as Durkheim points out, then a soldier who bravely enters into a situation that is likely to end in death, but will save others, would also be committing suicide. However, the nature of the outcome is also not a part of the definition or the result of an action. In order to define a death a suicide, then, it is important to consider the intent of the action that will come to the result in death. In considering the different frames of action and thought when suicide is approached, it then shifts to consider the differences that can be appreciated in the reasons that one might wish to end their life. According to Holmes and Holmes, suicide is defined by taking an action that ends one’s life. They do not embellish or extend the discussion in th e way that Durkheim does, but they simply define the term as an active pursuit of the outcome of death. They further clarify the ambiguity of the term by saying â€Å"suicide is a behavior that differs from one person to another and from one time to another and has different motivations and anticipated gains† (2). Therefore, in defining suicide, one must understand that no clear definition applies, but that it is fluid and flexible depending on the variables involved in the event or events that lead to death. Every year, an approximate 30,000 people commit suicide within the United States. Suicide is the 11th most common cause of death, with homicide ranking at 14th. Suicide is the third leading... According to Hendin and Foley, â€Å"the World Health Organization recommendation (is) that governments not consider the legalization of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia until they have demonstrated the full availability and practice of palliative care for all citizens† (2). This perspective of the argument does not completely deny the use of such assistance, but does suggest that because of inadequacies in the current system, the potential for abuse of assisted suicide does not allow for its use as a treatment.   Doctor Jack Kevorkian became the symbol for the other side of the debate in which the idea of helping people to pass more quickly when faced with a long term illness with no hope found a leader and a face in which to center the debate. In 1990, his first assisted suicide was conducted in which an Alzheimer’s patient named Janet Adkins was helped by Dr. Kevorkian to die. His methods were centered on devices that he built that made it easy for patient s to push a button and deliver a dose of medications that would end life. Therefore, when he was charged with murder tin the death of Adkins, Michigan, which had no laws against suicide at the time, had to release him as he did not, himself, deliver the medications that killed her (Nicol and Wylie 151).   Dr. Kevorkian aided more than 130 people towards self directed deaths and became known as ‘Dr. Death’ because of his activism and participation in assisted suicide (Nicol and Wylie 24). Dr. Kevorkian often become an adversary to the opposing opinion on the topic.