Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Analysis Of CDC Website On ADHD Free Essay Example, 750 words

CDC states that a huge number of children residing in the region of the United States experience ADHD. The CDC has even expanded on the health issue of ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and on its webpage the center has focused on various issues related to the disorder including forms of ADHD, signs of a patient experiencing ADHD, the reasons for its occurrence as well as methods for treating and diagnosing patients with ADHD. The CDC has created this document with the intention of informing patients, family members of the patients as well as individuals from the field of medicine and psychology regarding the health issue of ADHD. It has even made an effort to persuade parents, teachers, and caregivers to provide their children with psychological assistance if they believe that their children are exhibiting signs of ADHD. The CDC has created this webpage and has used various ethos, pathos, and logos to inform the citizens about the threat of ADHD and to persuade the cit izens to visit their physicians and psychologists if they believe that they are suffering from the symptoms of ADHD. The claims and the information provided within the public document published by the CDC are of high credibility in the eyes of practitioners as well as the general public. We will write a custom essay sample on Analysis Of CDC Website On ADHD or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now This is because the CDC is a government based healthcare organization and the citizens perceive any information provided by the government as credible. The citizens may perceive that the information provided by the government is credible because the government has taken up the responsibility of ensuring that their people live in healthy conditions and free from diseases. The webpage of the CDC is not the only webpage that has been dedicated by the CDC to health-related issues. It has dedicated a various webpage to outline various health-related issues. For example, the CDC even has a webpage for bipolar disorder, which is another mental illness similar to ADHD (Cdc. gov, 2013). The information available on this source is even valid because the website and the webpage are quite frequently updated with new information as new researches regarding different health issues are conducted.

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Mysterious Science Of Modern Day Food - 1802 Words

The Mysterious Science of Modern Day Food Food we all love it we would even go to war to guarantee that we have it. Food has changed more than you would have expected in the last decade. Ever since the U.S. Food and drug administration approved the Flavr Savr tomato to be sold in grocery stores in 1994, the genetic composition of our everyday foods have been changing at an alarming rate. World Health Organization defines genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. It allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another, including between non related species. Such methods are used to create GMO plants which†¦show more content†¦The question is, is it worth it to continue consuming GMO foods when there is a definite possibility of health risk. I believe that GMOs are a some what new and unexplored area of food and should not be considered safe to eat till more legitimate studies are conduct ed. Food allergies are always a possible conundrum when the genetic material of food is tampered with. Food Allergy affects approximately 5% of children and 2% of adults in the United States. Although no allergic reactions to GM food by consumers have been confirmed, in vitro evidence suggesting that some GM products could cause an allergic reaction has motivated biotechnology companies to discontinue their development. A team led by University of Nebraska scientists found that a Brazil nut protein introduced to improve the nutritional quality of GM soybeans was able to provoke an allergic reaction in people with Brazil nut allergies. Soy allergies increased by 50% in the United Kingdom. just after GMO soy was introduced. If GMO soy was the cause, it may be due to several things. The GMO protein that makes Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Soy resistant to the herbicide does not have a history of safe use in humans and may be an allergen. In fact, sections of its amino acid sequence are i dentical to known allergens. The Universities study headed by Rakhi Panda also showed evidence that

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Reducing Gender Inequality In Hiv Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

Globally, there has been a alteration in the tendency of infection among the sexes. Initially at the oncoming of the disease, the prevalence of the disease was higher among the males than the females due to the fact that the disease was concentrated among homophiles and drug users. However as the cuticular continues to turn there has been a progressive displacement to heterosexual transmittal with an addition in the figure of females being infected. We will write a custom essay sample on Reducing Gender Inequality In Hiv Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now The planetary pandemic of HIV/AIDS is now in its 3rd decennary, with adult females now at the epicenter of the pandemic, globally accounting for about 50 % of all HIV instances aged 15 and older, including about 60 % of all grownups populating with HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa, and the figure of females populating with the disease in every part of the universe continue to increase. ( UNAIDS, 2009 ) The feminization of the pandemic is precipitated by biological and socio-cultural factors ; However although adult females are more vulnerable to the disease because of their biological makeup, there is grounds that gender norms play an built-in portion in act uponing an person ‘s exposure to the infection, entree to wellness attention services, sexual behavior and attitude, every bit good as entree to intervention and support when infected. ( WHO, 2003 ) The present tendency of the disease transmittal reveals that the epidermic is being aggravated by gender based exposures, stressing the importance of mainstreaming gender into HIV/AIDS programmes as an built-in effort to commanding farther spread of the disease. ( UNFPA, 2008 ) The Importance of Gender on the HIV/AIDS Pandemic: In most communities, gender determines how much information males and females are expected to hold approximately sexual affairs. Females are supposed to be nescient about sexual affairs as a mark of celibacy ; therefore doing them nescient about preventative schemes and doing it hard for them to be proactive in negociating safer sex. Different set of cultural norms apply to the males, they are frequently expected to hold more information and cognition about sexual affairs, be expericienced, and led as determination shapers in sexual issues. These make them vulnerable to being infected, prevents them from seeking information or acknowledging their limited information about sexual affairs. ( Carovano, 1992 ) . Social norms of virginity for single adult females besides increase her exposure ; it besides limits her information about sexual affairs to avoid being thought of as being sexually active. Puting her at a hazard of colza and sexual coercion. Research has besides shown that these immature misss practise other sexual behaviors such as anal sex, therefore increasing their hazard of undertaking the disease. ( Weiss et al.,2000 ) . Besides, because of the social norms of virginity accessing wellness installations for the intervention of sexually transmitted diseases is frequently stigmatising for both immature and big females. ( Weiss et al.,2000 ) . In many societies, maternity, merely like virginity is seen as being ideal, therefore utilizing preventives or barrier methods to guarantee safer sex is seen as a important quandary for adult females. ( Heise and Elias, 1995 ) . Research have shown that economic dependance of adult females increases their likeliness of interchanging sex for money, with no dialogue for safe sex, accompanied with their inability to go forth these dealingss even when they perceive them to be hazardous because of its fiscal additions. ( Heise and Elias,1995 ) . A reappraisal of literature done by Heise et Al ( 1999 ) showed it was more likely for persons who had been sexually abused to hold multiple sex spouses, engage in insecure sex and exchange sex for money or favor. Harmonizing to Societal norms, work forces are supposed to show their male power through force against adult females, lending both straight and indirectly to a adult female ‘s exposure to the disease. ( Heise and Elias, 1995 ) . A survey conducted in a voluntary HIV guidance and proving Centre in Tanzania by Maman et Al ( 2000 ) suggested that adult females who expericienced sexual force were at a hazard of HIV/AIDS. It was noticed that those who were HIV positive were 2.6 times more likely to hold expericienced sexual force in an confidant relationship. Social norms expect a adult male to hold several sexual spouses, for sufficient sexual release, herewith beliing the preventative message that emphasizes fidelity in relationships. ( Heise and Elias, 1995 ) . Social norms of maleness, which affirm males holding sexual laterality over females, as a characteristic of manhood, frequently lead to stigmatisation of work forces who have sex with work forces, thereby taking to secrecy of their sexual behavior, increasing the exposure of their sexual spouses, both males and females. ( UNAIDS, 1999 ) . Overall, the influence of social norms is frequently associated with addition in an person ‘s exposure of undertaking the disease. ( Courteney, 1998 ) Analysis of WHO ‘s Policy on Gender Mainstreaming in HIV/AIDS Programme: The guidelines on gender mainstreaming resulted from a WHO ‘s meeting held in Geneva in 2002 on incorporating Gender into HIV/AIDS. The demand to bring forth guidelines was emphasized as a agency to guaranting realisation of set ends. The present edition was developed by World Health Organization in concurrence with inputs from advisers peer reviewed by external referees, relevant proficient staff in the World Health Organization every bit good as research experience from old programmes that addressed the gender dimensions in HIV/AIDS and other wellness programmes. The intent of the guidelines is to increase consciousness of how gender inequalities affects a adult female ‘s ability to entree HIV/AIDS programmes and services, it besides offers practical ways on how to integrate gender into assorted types of HIV/AIDS programmes and services. Four specific countries were covered HIV proving and reding, Prevention of female parent to child transmittal ( PMTCT ) , HIV intervention and Home based attention for people populating with HIV/AIDS. The guidelines were formulated chiefly for programmes directors, wellness attention suppliers in the public and private sector involved in instituting, implementing or measuring HIIV/AIDS programmes. The guidelines are consistent and reinforced through assorted international understandings and declarations such as Beijing declaration and platform for action of the 1995 Fourth World conference on adult females ( FWCW ) and 1994 International conference on population and development. The United Nations General Assembly declarations of the committedness on HIV/AIDS besides emphasized the importance of turn toing gender equality as a agency to commanding the epidermic. This policy compliments old attempts done on incorporating gender into HIV/AIDS programmes with the purpose of bettering entree, informing and authorising clients, and besides taking to wellness equity and societal justness. However the guidelines focused chiefly on adult females.it did non offer equal chances to work forces, although the Beijing platform for action besides considered work forces ‘s concerns, guaranting that adult females and work forces benefit every bit from the ultimate end of accomplishing gender equality. The guidelines did non besides see the multi-sectoral attack ; it focused chiefly on the wellness sector attack to cut downing gender inequality. ( Beginning: World Health Organization ‘s guidelines on intergrating gender into HIV/AIDS Programmes within the wellness sector, 2007 ) Measuring the execution of this policy at the international and national degree. Following the 1995 United Nations conference on adult females, assorted developmental establishments, international organisations and states adopted the thought of gender mainstreaming. These International Organizations and development Institutions developed and endorsed gender mainstreaming Policies in HIV/AIDS ; nevertheless rating show restraints in execution, these policies have been slow in interpreting from policy into action. ( Moser, 2005 ) . This can be attributed to the fact that some development practicians in NGO ‘s continue to see gender issues as a distraction to the developmental issues they have to turn to, accordingly those involved in gender cyclosis are non in places to do determinations and alterations to these programmes. Since the Congress, gender mainstreaming in HIV/AIDS have been adopted and endorsed by assorted authoritiess, gender advocators in these states have successed in integrating gender issues into their national strategic programs for HIV/AIDS and HIV/AIDS programmes. The challenges in these states have been the execution of these policies and strategic programs at the territory degree. In a survey done in Botswana, it was observed that although gender had been incorporated into its national response to HIV/AIDS, with purposes to authorising the adult females, therefore cut downing the exposure of females in undertaking the disease, the intercessions focused on adult females, pretermiting the work forces, therefore gestating gender as a adult female ‘s issue. In Malawi, important efforts have been made, assorted programmes have been formed, and the National HIV/AIDS policy recognized that gender issues had to be considered, to guarantee effectual response to HIV/AIDS intercessions. However on rating it was noticed that bulk of the staffs in the NGO ‘s understood the construct in the European context, which was non applicable to their ain cultural norms and values, furthermore, the exposure of work forces was non considered sabotaging the proportion of drug users and homophiles in the population. The Zimbabwe ‘s national Aids Policy, showed committedness to gender inequality, acknowledging that adult females were more vulnerable, and prosecuting authorization of adult females as a agency to undertaking gender inequality, it besides developed schemes to guarantee the engagement of work forces in gender affairs. However rating showed that despite these schemes nidation of these policies at the grass-root degree have been impossible. ( Boom et al. , 2000 ) The national strategic program of South-Africa accepted adult females, and work forces who have sex with work forces, as portion of those who were vulnerable to the disease, and provided assorted intercessions to turn to gender related causes of exposure. It emphasized the difference in the prevalence of the disease in the age groups ( 20-29 ) , saying that adult females were more vulnerable due to social norms. Acknowledging that really small attending had been given to work forces who have sex with work forces, and drug users. It emphasized that the execution of these schemes were to suit both the demands of adult females and work forces. Evaluation nevertheless noted that commercial sex workers were discriminated and that gender force played an built-in portion in adult females ‘s exposure in South-Africa was non addressed therefore haltering the execution of these schemes. The Multi-sectoral HIV/AIDS strategic program of Switzerland recognized that harmful gender norms played a function in fuelling the cuticular, and that to guarantee long -term effects in schemes aimed at commanding the disease gender inequality had to be considered. This led to the National Emergency Response Council, developing schemes to steer the execution of these HIV/AIDS programmes. However it was noticed that gender was conceptualized as biological sex instead than gender, and its programmes were targeted at adult females, pretermiting work forces who had sex with work forces and other vulnerable groups such as drug users. On rating an addition in the incidence of mew infections was noticed among homophiles, showing that these groups played an of import function in commanding the disease. Discussion: Assorted International Organizations and Countries have integrated gender into their assorted policies, schemes and HIV/AIDS Programmes. The inquiry arising is why are these policies, schemes and plans non being implemented at the grass root degree? Decision: Gender norms influence an person ‘s exposure to undertaking the disease, therefore stressing the importance of Gender mainstreaming and adult females authorization in commanding the spread of the disease. Gender mainstreaming intercessions in assorted degree should acknowledge the functions work forces play in adult females ‘s expericiences, therefore gender related restraints of both males and females should be considered in HIV/AIDS Programmes. Training and support should be offered to HIV/AIDS programme directors and their staffs about gender issues to enable them implement policies turn toing gender inequality and HIV/AIDS. How to cite Reducing Gender Inequality In Hiv Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

How Homework can Help with Your Academic Success free essay sample

Homework is an important part of the academic curriculum and it also plays a major role in ensuring academic success for the students. Let us talk at length about how homework can help in bringing about academic success. Homework primarily helps in building five skills which assist in attaining academic success. Those skills are as follows: Organization: Being organised is an essential ingredient in the recipe of academic success. One has to be meticulous in planning a study routine to ensure that all topics of all subjects are paid equal attention. Also, enough time for practice should be baked in the routine. It is this aspect that homework helps with and gives enough opportunity to a student to practice his/her lessons, which then paves the way of gaining mastery over a topic or subject. In addition keeping track of one’s homework makes a student more organized. Time management: Optimum utilization of time is the key to success in the field of academics. We will write a custom essay sample on How Homework can Help with Your Academic Success or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Often at times, one feels flustered and overwhelmed with the vast study syllabus or curriculum. Therefore, dividing one’s time efficiently and as per one’s strength and weakness is a matter of great importance. Homework provides the student with an opportunity to manage time. While doing the homework of a subject which is one’s weak area, he is devoting more time to that subject, which will help him in understanding the concepts better, thereby saving the student’s time as he need not revisit this subject again and can spend the rest of his time in doing other activities or can devote to other subjects. In addition, learning to plan his work well in order to submit the assignment or homework on time will help him/her build time management skills. Prioritization: The skill of being able to prioritize one’s task does not only help with academic success, but is a skill which will come handy throughout your life. If a student is confronted with multiple assignments or homework in multiple subjects, he/she needs to prioritize it based on some factors like submission date, the complexity level of the work, his/her proficiency level with the subject etc. While doing so, they will learn to identify elements based on the urgency and importance levels. Concentration: Undivided attention and wholehearted commitment to one’s study time are per-requisites for academic success. While doing one’s homework with complete focus, a student has to ensure that he is cut off from any kinds of distractions or interruptions and should devote all his stamina and attention in completing the homework effectively. Such single minded focus on completing one’s homework helps a student build his concentration, which proves to be very useful while studying during the time of the assessments or exams. Motivation: A student has to believe in self and has to remain motivated all the time to be successful in academics. Self-confidence is of prime importance for academic success and it can be built and retained only if an individual is motivated to achieve success. If one does his/her homework successfully and wins accolades for the same back in school, then he/she will be motivated to do well consistently, as nothing attracts success more than success itself. To summarize, if homework is done with seriousness and sincerity, then it can prove to be a very useful tool in achieving academic success.

Friday, November 29, 2019

To Clone Or Not To Clone (1149 words) Essay Example For Students

To Clone Or Not To Clone (1149 words) Essay To Clone Or Not To CloneCloning is an issue that has been evolving during time. At thebegining, cloning was been researched and was described as somethingthat was hard to reach. Even science fiction movies, such asMultiplicity, were produced about cloning. As the time went through,cloning became a reality. In 1996 Dolly, the first mammal, a sheep wasborn. Dolly was created by Ian Wilmut, an embryologist of the Roslinginsitute ( World Book, http://www.worldbook.com ). Since then, manymammals, such as mice and calves were created. Right now, there is afear, that humans might be the next to be cloned. Ruth macklin and Charles Krauthammer discuss this matter in twoessays were they state whether cloning is right or wrong. Ruth Macklin, a professor of Bioethics, wrote an essay about thisissue. Human Cloning? Dont Just Say No is the title of her article. We will write a custom essay on To Clone Or Not To Clone (1149 words) specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Her essay discusses the negative response of the people to HumanCloning. As the title of the essay says: Human Cloning? Dont Just SayNo, Macklin believes that cloning deserves a chance to be developed inhumans. Macklin talks about Human Clones not being accepted as human beings. Shestates that an ethicist said once, that human cloning would be aviolation to the right to genetic identity (Perspectives ofContemporary Issues, pg. 508). Macklin doubts about the exsistence ofthis right. She explains many points about Human Cloning and aboutethics. One of the points she mentiones, is about the violation to humandignity. Theologians say that cloning would be a violation to dignityand also that cloned humans would be treated with less respect thanother human beings. Another issue she discusses is the fact that Human Clones could be usedas human farms or organ donors. Macklin gives many examples about thecases where human cloning might be accepted. Mothers that can not havechildren, families that have children that are sick to death or alsocouples that may have genetic defects (Perspectives of ContemporaryIssues, pg. 508). In conclusion, Macklin thinks, that human cloning should be accepted orat least an opportunity should been given to develop Human Cloning. On the other hand, Charles Krauthammer, the author of the secondessay Of Headless Mice..And Men is totally against Cloning in everyway. His essay talks about the cloning that was made in mice. Researchers have been able to locate different genes and than deletesome genes, just to see what comes out. They erased the clone thatcreates the head and produced headless mice that obviosly died when thewere born. Krauthammer does not understand, how humans can create such type ofmice. He talks about the chance of creating humans with no heads. Hesays, that the goal of these production of headless humans, could bekept as an organ farm. He also gives examples of Cloning, such as thepossibility to create models, and geniuses (Perspectives of ContemporaryIssues, pg. 510). Krauthammer mentiones that President Bill Clintonbanned cloning, but it wont be long until it is accepted. Krauthammercloncusion is the prohibition of Human cloning and every type ofcloning. These essays are a clear example of what cloning is and what theresponses might be. As Macklin is in favor of Cloning, Krauthammer isnot. Macklins essay talks more about cloning as having a twin, a personthat will be living with us and form part of the family. A companionthat will be there to live life as it is. There are other terms for cloning such as carbon copy. .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 , .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 .postImageUrl , .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 , .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228:hover , .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228:visited , .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228:active { border:0!important; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228:active , .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228 .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0dbda5cc6cfd7c862b5408a2af4ab228:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sir Gawain And The Green Knight EssayOn the other hand, Krauthammers essay describes human clones with noheads. Human farms that will be there in case something goes wrong withthe original. These half human beings would be different, they would bekept alive, like an organ reserve if the original loses a hand, thenthe clone gives that person a hand. What kind of thoughts are those? Isit possible that scientists have come to a point were they want tocreate Monsters? This would really be a violation to human dignity. Aharm to the cloned person that might not have a brain tothink, but he sure will have the same arms, legs, hands, etc as theoriginal. He might not have the same face as the original, but he willhave a heart and I am sure that he would not like to live headless. Ifcloning will be this way, than it should be completly banned. Both essays are very persuasive, but there is a difference inboth. The examples given by the authors have a huge roll in thepersuasive part, Krauthammer has examples that might be more persuasivethan Macklins. They both explain the two faces of cloning and under which conditiond itmight be developed. Macklin gives us an explanation trying to convincethe public of giving human cloning a chance to happen. She alsodescribes cloning as some kind of human farm, but mostly what sheexplains is that cloning can be taken as something normal, as an in-vitro fertilization, for example. Many people do not really know whathuman cloning really is and misunderstand its meaning. Macklin gives ashort explanation, but as every experiment, it must have somedificulties. Krauthammers essay is totally against cloning. He is very persuasiveand gives examples that will change the way of thinking of many peopleand turn them against cloning. He gives exapmles, that are almostimposibble to believe. Headless people, headless mice, keeping humanclones alive as an organ farm, etc. All these examples are a reality andanyone who is mature enough and has reasoning will be against thecreation of headless humans. This essays have the same topic, but are different. Although bothtalk about human cloning, the essays are different. As we could see, in Macklins essay, the cloned humans are consideredpersons. Krauthammers essay mostly discusses human clones as humanfarms. Macklin talks about cloning being banned, but she does not statewho banned it. Krauthammer explains this as saying that Dolly madepresident Clinton create a comission and temporary banned humanclonning. Eventhough there is a temporary ban, this could someday beaccepted. Krauthammer thinks, that this should be banned forever. There are a lot of different opinions about cloning and also a lotof mistaken thoughts about this issue. Many articles have been writtenand discussed. Many questions are to be answered and more research is tobe done. This type of essays can clear some doubts people have, but arenot enough to say I am in favor or I am against. It is anissue that will be a controversy for al long time. It might be right tocreate a human clone as a person, but it is very wrong to use a humanclone as a human farm. Everyone has the right to live a normal life. Ifthis right will be violated than, no cloned humans should be created. As Macklin says: A world not safe foe cloned humans would be a worldnot safe for the rest of us. BibliographyMacklin, Ruth Human Cloning? Dont Just Say No Perspectives onContemporary Issues. Pages 507-508Krauthammer, Charles Of Headless MiceAnd Men Perspectives onContemporary Issues. Pages 509-511Wachbroit, Robert Human Cloning Isnt as Sacry as it Sounds Washington Post. www.washingtonpost.com

Monday, November 25, 2019

RacismThroughout Our Daily Lives essays

RacismThroughout Our Daily Lives essays What would you do if the Constitution said you were just as good as everyone else but some people still acted as if you were something they had just scraped off their shoe? This sort of thing happens to millions of people on a regular basis. Americans of African, Asian, or Mexican descent are all subject to this kind of treatment. Caucasians are as well, but it is not as publicly notarized as the aforementioned. Most of these feelings towards another of a different skin color are deeply rooted in our minds from previous generations. Many, many years ago, African-Americans were used as slaves. The slave owners treated them badly. The owners own children then grew up with the same ideals and passed them on to the new generation. Through the years, people have spoke out about these ill-conceived ideas making the ominous threat of racism more discreet than ever before. While in a search online, I discovered a numbered list of Klu Klux Klan, Aryan, Skinhead, and many other white supremacist groups. I was shocked when I saw how many this one list had. It listed over 800 different groups. I know that number is not nearly accurate because there are many smaller groups that have not yet made themselves known publicly. Even people that do not belong in these racially biased groups perform some acts of racism. Racial profiling- the discriminatory practice by police of treating blackness (or brown-ness) as an indication of possible criminality. "Driving While Black (or brown)" is a campaign started by the American Civil Liberties Union because a study showed that minorities only make up 16% of all drivers, yet they are 74% of all drivers stopped and searched. Generally, only 12 to 13 percent of the U.S. citizens are African American, although Black inmates make up 40.29 percent of death row's population. As of 1996, there have been 232 citizens executed under the death penalty since 1977. Only one white person has been put to death fo ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Path to 270 by Ruy Texeira and John Halpin of the pro-Democratic Party Essay

Path to 270 by Ruy Texeira and John Halpin of the pro-Democratic Party organization Center for American Progress - Essay Example Texeria and Haplin conclude that the two forces that are most likely to determine the direction of the 2012 election would be the changing population balance of the U.S electorate, and the objective reality and the voter perception of the economy. The democrats have a constant support from the communities of colour, single, highly educated women, millennial generation voters, secular voters and educated white voters. With this support, the party has grown in strength; however, the republican comprises of the older whiter more rural and evangelical voters. The republicans face a shrinking electorate creating a less serious political landscape of the country (2). Although the democrats have a demographic strength, they still have democratic weaknesses (3). The economic distress facing a larger area of America and the inability of the Obama administration to provide a lasting solution to this predicament have led a large population of the Americans to doubt the leadership of the Obama administration. The Obama administration faces the issue of unemployment, which decreases their chance of getting hold of the presidency for a second term. The opposition party: the republicans have the upper hand in having an electorate that is older conservative and less diverse. The republican vote portrays an even distribution that explains the victory attained in the Rust Belt states and the contested southern states such as Virginia and Florida. The republicans gather support from the white working class voters, the independent voters and men who are against the democrats due to the economy (Texeria & Haplin 4). Obamas’ re-election depends on two strategies: holding onto his 2008 white college graduate support, which could translate to a landslide defeat due to the high proportions of white working class voters. His second option would be to holding his slippage between the two groups, which would give a possible victory

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hinduism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Hinduism - Essay Example are many aspects of their religious beliefs and practices that provide the necessary common ground to bring under a single political classification, if not a theistic one. While the predominant deity may differ from one faction to the other, all deities are taken from the more than 300 million divine entities that form the cosmos. While no one scripture is considered to represent the religion in all its complexities, a few historical scriptures are widely circulated, read and referred across the various denominations. These are the Vedas (some of which date back to 2000 years B.C. and beyond) and Upanishads (a later-day invention of the Brahman classes). Some form of religious practices, beliefs and rituals that derived from Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanishads and Vedas are being used by the Hindus even today. This is the strongest argument in favor of a unifying Hindu theology (Van Horn, 2006). Hinduism places emphasis on worship of nature. Indus Valley was the cradle of the religion. Hence, the way of life afforded by its geography holds religious significance as well. The Indus River was vital to the survival of its surrounding inhabitants; so worship of river god is a basic tenet. This also explains the reverence accorded to river Ganges, the dependents of which refer to it as Ganga Mata (Mother Ganga). The plains on either side of these rivers provide the necessary fertile grounds for growing subsistence crops. And at the time of composition of the Vedas, domesticated cattle was the only means to plough the land. Cows also provide other necessary nutrients in the form of its milk. What started as reverence had evolved into devotion and worship. This social aspect of life in the two millennia before Christ explains why Cows are regarded as sacred animals even today. So, at the time of its formation, Hinduism was little more than a practical means of livelihood. But the religion’s links to every day life became weak ever after making it an abstract

Monday, November 18, 2019

Data Collection Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Data Collection - Assignment Example Besides, using the questionnaire method is the most common form of data collection, wherein individuals are encouraged to convey their point of views based on a structured questionnaire (Fowler, 2009; Polit & Beck, 2008). The most effective method that would work for the present scenario of nursing is the questionnaire method. Accordingly, the questionnaire needs to be developed with close- ended questions, where the answer will be specific rather than being vague. Moreover, for the respondents as well, it becomes very comfortable to provide feedbacks through the questionnaire, further ensuring proper interpretation of the data gathered (Fowler, 2009; Polit & Beck, 2008). The sample size should be a minimum of 50 in order to avail a better result from the survey. However, it is desirable to consider a sample size of around 200 to gain a perfect and a firm outcome from the survey. It is also advisable that the sample should be of a random mixture. This should include patients from a variety of genres, based on ages, genders and diseases, in order to obtain an unbiased outcome from the survey. Expectedly, this will help the survey outcome to be highly reliable and with valid standards (Fowler, 2009; Polit & Beck,

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Media?s Influence on Eating Disorders Essay -- Anorexia Bulimia Ne

The Media's Influence on Eating Disorders Eating disorders are mental illnesses that affect more than 7 million American women and usually develop in girls ages 12-25. The most common age for a girl to begin having an eating disorder is 17 years old (Discovery Health?). The National Eating Disorders Association states that eating disorders are conditions that arise from factors including physical, psychological, interpersonal, and social issues. Media images help define cultural definitions of beauty and attractiveness and are often acknowledged as one of the factors that contribute to the rise of eating disorders (NEDA). It is evident that the media influences teenage girls to develop eating disorders based on these reasons: the media promotes a thin and unrealistic body image, the media helps define cultural standards of attractiveness, and being exposed to these images can cause one to develop body dissatisfaction. General risk factors for the development of an eating disorder are being a female living in a western society during adolescence or early adulthood. Some characteristics of people who develop eating disorders are low self-esteem, perfectionism, obesity, anxiety and anxiety disorders. Development of eating disorders can arise from a variety of issues besides the media including: biological, psychological or social factors, family issues, and cultural pressures. Eating disorders and certain associated traits can run in the family. Obsessive-compulsive and sensitive-avoidant personality types are more vulnerable to eating disorders. People with a mother or sister with anorexia nervosa are twelve times more likely to develop the disease. If there is family history of any type of eating disorder, ... ..._England_paper.pdf.> National Eating Disorders Association. 2002. 5 Apr. 2005 . National Women?s Health Resource Center. Discovery Health. 2005. 24 Apr. 2005 . Thompson, Kevin J., and Leslie J. Heinberg. ?The Media?s Influence on Body Image Disturbance and Eating Disorders: We?ve Reviled Them, Now Can We Rehabilitate Them Journal of Social Issues 55.2 (1999): 339-353. Valois, Robert F., Keith J. Zullig, E. Scott Huebner, and J. Wanzer Drane. ?Dieting Behaviors, Weight Perceptions, and Life Satisfaction Among Public High School Adolescents.? Eating Disorders 11.4 (2003): 271-288. Women?s Fashion. 17 Apr. 2005 .

Monday, November 11, 2019

Ethics Essay – Fourth Estate

Media spotlight has the ability to change people’s lives dramatically, in some cases it is accidental, every day people minding their own business and as a consequence of being involved in an incident which resulted in either an inspiring or devastating outcome which resulted the private lives being thrust into the media spotlight. Whilst other people who have obtained media attention due to their public appointment have had the same experience, their lives altered dramatically due to media’s invasion of their privacy in the name of public interest. The Fourth Estate, a name given to the media who traditionally have been charged as the custodian for public interest, the publics watch dog, their responsibility to the public sphere is to warn us, some times educate us and they have the ability to entertain us, they also ensure that people exercising power are kept in check and held accountable. However, there is a debate looming, is it possible that today’s Media, are the one’s who now need to kept in check and made accountable. The Australian Law Reform Commission, have put the Unfair Publication Defamation and Privacy legislation back on the agenda, as they believe the public are having their privacy scrutinized not for interest of the public, but for public interest. Having the legislation back on the agenda has caused much angst of the media industry, who strongly believe any more statute regulations will threaten to undermine the viability of the Fourth Estate. Overall, this essay will argue that, any new legislation will only benefit the Law profession, if the media truly believe that the Fourth Estate, whilst not constitutional, it has played an important role in our democracy over time, is worth fighting for so, it does not become invalid due to new regulation, they must admit to themselves that because of their fascination with the private behavior of public figures, the public are voicing their concern with this fascination and the methods used by the media industry, the current reporting methods seem to have actually started to undermine the ideals of the highly regarded custom of The Fourth Estate. However, the media industry now have a great opportunity, if they want stay free of any new regulation, they need to regain public trust and be true to their democratic role as the guardian of public interest, they will need to start accepting the responsibility for the current practices and become more accountable to the self regulation systems currently in place. Since some work practices employed by media outlets have over time damaged the industry’s image, especially in the eyes of the public who no longer have trust in both Journalists and media industry, the lack of trust causes a problem as the media are supposed to act as a protector in the public interest. When did the attitude of the public change? And what role does a Journalist now play in our democratic society? What is more important is how can journalists end the conflicting obligations when it comes to ethical behavior. Fundamentally the role of a Journalist has not changed, their role is to warn us, inform us, educate and entertain us. (Conley, D & Lamble, S. 2006 The Daily Miracle an introduction to Journalism. P3). Journalists have an obligation to seek and defend and even extend the public sphere, (Stockwell,S. Beyond the fourth estate,1999 Democracy, deliberation and Journalism Theory, Australian Journalism Review 21(1), pp. 37-49). The phrase Public Sphere is a term which describes an area in social life where people can get together and freely discuss and identify problems in society and through that discussion influence political action. (Hartley, J. Communication, Cultural and Media Studies (2007), The Key Concepts. P191). In the latter part of the 20th Century, Journalists fulfilled their role as protector of the public sphere, The Fourth Estate played an important role as Catharine Lumby explains, the reason why the Fourth Estate played an import role was that issues which had lain dormant for years surfaced, partly because a host of political movements expanded during this period, the scope of issues that were once considered purely private matters such as domestic violence and sexual harassment were being voiced in the public sphere, (Lumby, C 1998, Twisted Tales, Private lives caught in the eyes of the public storm, AG, Sept-Oct). However, this was not sustained, Julianne Schultz warned in 1998 that a backlash was building, the publics opinion was changing, The Fourth Estate type of investigative stories that was so popular in the 1980’s were not appealing to the public as they once were, people were drawn to the appeal of big personalities, glamour, the good guys and bad guys, the types of stories that you would normally have seen only in soap operas. The fourth Estate Type of stories were easier to by pass, media anagements grew tired of the costs involved in substantial investigative stories, the temptation was to go with the entertainment type stories, this made money, making money made it easier to forgo challenging and demanding Fourth Estate stories. (Schultz, J Reviving the Fourth Estate, 1998. P230-31). According to Catharine Lumby, lower standards of news reporting is the coming age of the media, However, these sources of news and gossip have an increasing impact on what makes it to the mainstream media. The issues that were brought out into the public sphere like sexual harassment and domestic violence are now the reason why media can not separate the private and the public. (Lumby. C, Twisted Private Lives caught in the eye of the public storm, AG. September-October. P35). With the emergence of the new media a principle dilemma now existed in the media industry, which is more important, stories of public interest or stories that interest the public over a decade stories such as a Princess driven to her death by Maniacal paparazzi, Reality TV shows, radio hosts showered with vats of cash for editoral comment, ethics were hardly out of the media (Probyn, E. & Lumby, C. Remote Control New Media, New Ethics. P1). The public have been losing faith in the Journalist profession for some time, because of unethical behavior of some reporter’s the public consider them untrustworthy. This untrusting of this profession has been gaining momentum for some time, as far back as January 2004 Roy Morgan released the results of an annual survey to establish which profession is considered to be the most ethical and honest, the findings are based on the results of surveying over 600 people. The findings found Journalists are ranked the third lowest on the list. Morgan, G Roy Morgan Research, finding no 3701, 2004. www. roymorgan. com/news/pols/2004/3701). Ethics are important, they help raise standards and are used in different professions, ethics reinforces respect for others Michael Anderson conducted a survey to find our how Journalism ethics rate in the quest of news. David Conley believes, Journalists face three sometimes conflicting obligations when considering privacy: getting the news out, showing compassion and educating society (Cronley,D & Lambie, S 2006,p386). Reading the MEAA code of ethics, clause 11 states clearly, Journalists should respect private grief and personal privacy. Journalists have the right to resist compulsion to intrude. According to Ralph Potter, Journalists should ensure that their first alliance is always the public when making a decision if faced with an ethical dilemma. (Potter, R. Potter Box. Pg2 ) Their role is to help ensure the health of the democratic processes, Journalism, properly understood is a necessary part of holding power to account (Chadwick,P. Fame, Media, Privacy , ACP public forum. P,6)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Gran torino movie analysys Essay

The movie Gran Torino, is a movie that is based on an old neighborhood which was mostly American nationalities living there. Through the years this changed and it became an Asian society to live in. This movie was directed and produced by Clint Eastwood, which we has also one of the main characters in the movie. The story of the movie was written by Dave Johansson and the screen play was done by Nick Schenk. Walt Kowalski is a widower who holds onto his prejudices despite the changes in his Michigan neighbourhood and the world around him. Kowalski is a grumpy, tough-minded, unhappy an old man, who can’t get along with either his kids or his neighbours, a Korean War veteran whose prize possession is a 1972 Gran Torino he keeps in mint condition. When his neighbour Thao, a young Hmong teenager under pressure from his gang member cousin, tries to steal his Gran Torino, Kowalski sets out to reform the youth. Drawn against his will into the life of Thao’s family, Kowalski is soon taking steps to protect them from the gangs that infest their neighbourhood. â€Å"I have more in common with these gooks than my own spoiled, rotten family,† he tells himself. The three main actors that have the biggest emphasis towards the movie is Clint Eastwood. He is the one who plays Walt Kowalski in the movie. Then we have the two kids from his neighbours. Thao which is been portrayed by Bee Vang, and Thao’s sister Sue, which has been played by Ahney Her. There is a lot of intercultural aspects in the movie that we see but there is also a strong sense of how through the years, the differences from one generation to another and how alike they are in the different societies. Before Walt Kowalski in the movie start to care about Thao and Sue, and before he gets to know them, he is depicted as a mad old man, which he is also very racist towards and outsiders, but especially the people from the Asian lands. The argue that can be made for this reason is that Walt before settling down in the neighbourhood that he lived with his deceased wife, we was in the Korean war. It wouldn’t be easy for any man to live in a neighbourhood, in which the ethnicity of the people living there is of the same ethnicity in which we fought against in the Korean War. Through out the movie and especially when Walt starts to take Sue and Thao under his wings as a family one can say, and through out the stories that he tells and the harm’s he has done, in the end we can say that the way he dies to save Thao and Sue, it’s a way for Walt to get a type of redemption. He takes Sue and Thao as his children, to make right for him having two sons which he wasn’t ever there for them and vice versa. His relationship with those sons and their families is brusque because Walt is an emotionally closed-off guy. No one and nothing lives up to his standards, particularly the growing population of Hmong immigrants who now dominate his neighbourhood. Thao’s cousin is in a gang in the area, and when they try to force Thao to join the gang and they make a ruckus during the night, Walt just wanted his piece but by getting involved in the situation, he saves Thao and then Thao in order to repay him, he does various different chores for Walt and he gets to see that Thao and Sue aren’t as bad kids as he thought, he was just prejudice towards the people that he just didn’t know. And slowly by time he becomes fond of the family and starts acting in a way as he is their protector. The film illustrates town members forcing to make a choice as to which popular culture they will follow. They can follow a path of religion and live peacefully or they can choose a path of constant feuding by joining a gang. Either way, the town has become divided and both opposing cultures seem to be constituted as a popular lifestyle. The first major inter cultural communication is more of a tradition for the Hmong. When he unwillingly saves Thao, then the rest of the community, look to him in what they think that they have found a hero. They start bringing him different gifts and different plates of food as a way of them saying thank you for his actions. He still doesn’t want anything to do with them and tries to not accept them but there’s nothing else that he can do. Walt’s wife, according to the movie was a person of the church. And now that she has passed away, the father of the church, father Janovich tries to be there with Walt and tries to make sure that he will be fine. Walt is a man who is haunted by what he did in the Korean War. In the film, Walter speaks to Father Janovich and says, â€Å"The thing that haunts a guy is the stuff he wasn’t ordered to do.† Within these few small words, Walt describes to Father Janovich the chaotic mindset that keeps his life forever haunted. This gives us the notion that Walt is haunted by his actions in the past and that’s why now he is such a grumpy old man who can’t live in peace with the actions that he committed. Walt is an old man that is in a place where according to him, there isn’t something that someone can do that will reach to his standards. Throughout the movie, Walt seems incapable of speaking to his son’s without criticizing their every thought. When his two sons, Mitch and Steve Kowalski, talk at their mother’s funeral Steve says to Mitch, â€Å"The point I’m trying to make is that there’s nothing anyone can do that won’t disappoint the old man, its inevitable† it’s a struggle of the old generation which is Walt, and the generation that followed him, his sons. Walt can be said that he is more a patriot rather than a racist. But he is both and tries his best to make it known to the others. He is proud of his patriotism and watches helplessly as their neighbourhood is becoming a ghetto of other ethnic groups who seek only violence and just tear apart the neighbourhood in which he lives. Even now with the loss of his wife, he won’t allow his self to admit that he is alone, he has too much pride to do that. Walt saves Sue from a group of African Americans who were bothering her. He pulls out his gun and makes them leave her alone. Now Sue is a witty girl, and on the ride back to the house they start to engage in a conversation. Walt wasn’t polite but as I said Sue is a witty girl and she answered him in ways that were humorous. From that point on is where he starts to have a bond with the rest of the family as well. After this incident Walt starts being fond of the family. Later he is being invited to a barbeque that they are having. At first he didn’t want to go but with Sue, he changed his mind and went. As they start to eat and talk, sue lets him in in the various traditions that they have and their meanings. Later by not knowing he taps one of the small children in his head, something which is considered very rude. Sue explains to him that it’s believed that in the head is where the soul of the person resigns. Also that it’s impolite to stare, but then he sees the family doctor staring at him. Then sue talks to him and he wanted to read Walt. He told him that he lives in a life of pain and suffering and if he continues in this way he won’t have piece in his life. this family doctor and father Janovich are in a way trying to lead him to have a peaceful life. In all honesty, I believe the ending of this film was noble. Walt sacrifices his life in order to save Thao and Sue’s family from further harm. His courageous act not only places the entire Hmong gang behind bars, but also ends the conflicts between the Thao and his cousin who is the gang leader. He goes and faces them and In a way makes them kill him and now because they have witnesses Thao, Sue and their family won’t be bothered with again. Overall, I thought Gran Torino was an empowering movie. The film depicts actual scenarios of cultural conflict that can be found in today’s world, especially racism and small kids joining gangs. Sources Gran Torino the movie http://elizabethbettin.blogspot.gr/2010/11/week-6-gran-torino-analysis.html http://hollywoodandfine.com/reviews/%E2%80%98gran-torino%E2%80%99-who%E2%80%99s-saving-whom/ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1205489/

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Why Am I Always Late for Class

Why Am I Always Late for Class Nobody likes being perpetually late. And college classrooms are the worst place to be tardy. You might get a stern look of disapproval from your professor while the students who managed to get there on time silently scoff at your irresponsibility. You might wonder, â€Å"Why is it that everybody else can show up on time, but I can’t?† There are a lot of different reasons why people are late. See if you can identify what type of late person you are and how you can fix it: You Hit Snooze If you have a tendency to set your alarm earlier than you need to, factoring in the possibility of hitting snooze and still getting to class on time, then there’s your problem. Face it: you don’t have the discipline to hit snooze once or twice. Instead, you just keep hitting it until panic sets in when you realize class has already started. The solution: If your regular alarm has a snooze option built in, then try downloading a snooze-less alarm app like The Rock Clock which features the voice of The Rock telling you to get moving. You Don’t Wake Up There are some extreme cases where people fall so deeply to sleep that they don’t even hear the alarm, let alone have the chance to hit snooze. The solution: You need an app that plays hideous sounding alarm tones, like the one on Alarmy, that even the deepest sleeper can’t ignore. It’s not the most pleasant way to wake up, but it’s better than flunking out of college because you missed all your morning classes. You Have Insomnia Sometimes the problem isn’t that you sleep too much but that you can’t get to sleep at all and by the time morning rolls around and you’ve finally dropped off, the last thing you want to do is rouse yourself out of your restfulness and head to class. The solution: If you have insomnia, the best thing to do is to consult a sleep specialist to see what the right solution for you is. In the meantime, you can try to train yourself to sleep more easily by adopting a ritual before going to bed such as reading for an hour before going to sleep, playing soft music, having a bath or drinking a cup of herbal tea. You’re Disorganized This can mean anything from you can’t find your socks because your room is too messy to you don’t even know when your classes are. The solution: If the problem is messiness, then the solution is to clean up and get organized. Make a conscious effort to keep your physical space more tidy so you don’t spend half an hour searching for your keys when you’re supposed to be learning advanced French. If the problem is that you can’t keep track of your commitments, then it’s time to start using a day planner or calendar. Google Calendar is a simple and easy system to use. It can sync with your phone and send you alerts before an event so you don’t have to miss classes, meetings and appointments anymore. You’re Overcommitted Are you the class president, captain of the cross-country team, in the chess club and work a part time job? Your problem definitely isn’t laziness it’s that you have too much going on. The solution: Painful as it may be for someone who enjoys being involved in so many different things, it’s probably time for you to sit down and look over your schedule to see what needs to be scaled back. Remember, it’s better for you to be able to give your all to a few things rather than only be able to give half your effort to a lot of things. Use these tips to avoid being late for class. And if you still cant do anything to get up on time, at least, try these believable excuses for being late so that you professor trusts you.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Explore how managers can use specific communication models to create Essay - 1

Explore how managers can use specific communication models to create more effective working teams - Essay Example Key communication models are helpful towards creating more effective working teams. The Claude Shannon’s model is the simplest model of communication that is utilized in a traditional organization. In this model, there are two parties to communication. This involves the idea of the source and the receiver. The source initiates communication by sending a message to the receiver. The sender encodes a message into a form that the receiver can interpret. On the other hand, the receiver decodes information given one’s disposition. The encoded message is the signal while the decoded message is the received signal. The communication model is simplistic and it teaches a manager how communication is basically structured. The model, however, seeks to reinterpret rather than inform about an effective way of communication. This theory of communication reflected the context in which it sprang. This was the genesis of mass communication exemplified in items such as the radio and the television. In the end, it unified all later communication theories since it interp reted the basics of communication. It, therefore, teaches managers that communication involves two parties that deserve attention. This model, however, is a minimalist representation of an actually complex reality. In the real organizational environment, both the source and receiver can interchange roles. In the organization, communication may either begin from the managers or emanate from the employees and departments towards the opposite party. Communication also occurs within departments and take place between departments. In most cases, the department acts as a communication party, especially when it collectivize the opinions of the employees (Baran & Davis 2010, P. 111). Due to its simplistic mode, the model is useful in instruction giving. A manager should ensure that

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Role of domestic concerns in us withdrawal from vietnam Essay

Role of domestic concerns in us withdrawal from vietnam - Essay Example After analyzing these questions, we can finally land on our ultimate target that was to investigate the extent to which the domestic concerns played their part in the withdrawal of the United States of America. As rightly quoted by Jose Padilla, war is not really something at the sole discretion of the president, rather it is the public power that should ultimately shape the foreign policy of a nation, or more precisely, the fate and destiny of the nation. This thought truly reflects in the US Vietnam war. This war proved that it's the public, the common man of the nation, who will decide the foreign policy of the nation. The history recorded that the people protesting on the roads of New York or the colleges of Ohio forced the think tanks at Pentagon and Whitehouse to change their policy and finally withdraw from the tiresome and simply lost battle of Vietnam, that proved to be the graveyard for the human and the monetary resources of American nation. Almost all the historians do agree to the fact that domestic concerns forced the US Think Tank to finally decide to withdraw from the battle at Vietnam. However, the perception of the extent to which the internal factors played their role in that historical decision is different for different historians. Furthermore, the recorded evidences also tell that the ratio of favour for the war also differed from time to time, even during the war period and age group to age group as well. 2 The Vietnam War, which lasted in 1975 is also known as Indochina war, the American war in Vietnam and the Vietnam Conflict. Why did the United States of America tried to involve in the Vietnam If looked from a narrow perspective, it seems that this was just a conflict between the communist and the non-communist factions of the Vietnamese nation. However, when we take into account the entire global scenario at that time, especially that of post-world war and cold war, we tend to realize that it was not an ordinary civil war, rather a contest between the two opposing super powers of the time, both the powers claiming to be the super power but propagating entirely different ideologies of economics, religion and state governance. Thus it was a war between the communism and the socialism, the United States of America, along with its capitalist allies and the South Vietnam on one side and the Soviet Union, its allies, the People's Republic of China, and North Vietnam on the other. Thus, withdrawing from war does not only mean the inability to handle some civil war, had it been the case, United States of America would have left the battle far earlier than it did, but this withdra wal would probably have been seen by the United States of America's policy makers as the surrender to the communist alliance. This may well be attributed to the reluctance of the United States' think tank to withdraw at an earlier stage. What approach for the involvement was there in the mind of the military and political leadership of the United States of America Since this was not too long that the Second World War had ended, those American and other nations, who had witnessed the disastrous effects of war were still alive. Any war in any part of the world is thus supposed to get a furious reaction of the public. Specially when it comes to the war in United States of

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Research Proposal Example The main reason for conducting this research proposal is to find out the importance of outdoor activities in Kamloops. There have been a growing number of recreational facilities over the last ten years in Kamloops. Bilton (14) also argue that most of these recreational centers are utilized during summer time. This proposal will seek out to find information pertaining to the reason why many people prefer visiting outdoor activities during summer time. Many researchers argue that most people in the British Columbia, Canada prefer going for outdoor activities in their home country rather than foreign countries (Bilton 14). What main reasons could be attributed to this preference? The deep engagement of this question and others will establish the reasons why native outdoor recreation facilities are preferred. From the government’s point of view, outdoor activities help them in earning revenue that they use to provide goods and services to the nationals. However, questions have been arising, whether they are undertaking the necessary steps to control and promote these recreational facilities. External markets also exist and they seek to attract as many customers as possible, regardless of their localities. Therefore, the role of the government in this exercise should also be established. What do the residents of Kamloops, British Columbia, Canada, as well as the state stand to gain from these outdoor exercises? The examination of the accruing benefits is virtually important. Establishing the benefits may also give a glimpse on what to expect in terms of sales and customers. For effective implementation of these activities, positive effects should outweigh the negative effects (Pender et al. 35). On establishing the various significances that relate to outward exercises, various stakeholders can now take the necessary steps and measures to boldly expand their activities and improve on

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Ell Assessments Essay Example for Free

Ell Assessments Essay With the rise in immigrant students comes a rise in students who do not speak English. Schools are facing the need to not only teach these students their regular academics but also a new language. In Guthrie, Oklahoma, there may seem like there would not be as much need for such programs but the fact is that English language learners are also here. ELL students need assistance from the schools they attend in order to master their English skills and be able to become productive citizens when they graduate. Schools have had to come up with procedures to identify ELL students, assess and monitor their learning and proficiency, keep teachers informed, and ensure ELL students access to grade-level content and develop language simultaneously. When a new student enters school in Guthrie, Oklahoma first they are required to fill out a home language survey form, (Oklahoma Department of Education, 2012). This form basically asks what the primary language spoken at home is. If another language other than English is spoken then students are required to take the WIDA placement test, (Miles, 2013). If a student scores below a 5. 0 they are considered to be an English language learner, (Miles, 2013). That is how they identify ELL students at Guthrie Public Schools. Parents also need to be informed of these tests wither 30 days before school starts or within two weeks of school starting, (Oklahoma Department of Education, 2012). Throughout the school year schools have to assess ELL students to determine their progress. At Guthrie public schools ELL students in elementary school are monitored for progress every quarter by a bilingual tutor, (Miles, 2013). In junior and high school students are monitored daily by their teachers for progress, (Miles, 2013). The tutor and teacher monitor students social activities, their regular classroom environment, their activity in class, behavior, learning comprehension, as well as formal assessments. Formal assessments are tests done every quarter to see how much a student has progressed from the previous quarter. If a student is being social with other students during recess, actively participating in class, and learning the curriculum being taught then the ELL student is considered to be learning and comprehending English. ELL students are exempt from taking standardized tests for two years so they can become proficient in how to read, write, speak, and understand English, (Miles, 2013). Students must show proficiency in English in order to not be considered ELL anymore, (Oklahoma Department of Education, 2012). Another important part of ensuring the progress of ELL student is keeping their teachers informed of ELL students status. The way Guthrie public schools inform teachers of the ELLs status is by sending them and email or letter with a copy of their test scores, (Miles, 2013). Teachers need to make accommodations for the students because they want the ELL students completely immersed in English. ELL students attend regular classes with regular peers, (Miles, 2013). Teachers assess ELL students daily just like they assess non ELL students. They do informal assessments like how they participate and communicate in the classroom to assess how they are progressing in English language proficiency and comprehending the curriculum. Formal assessments teachers may do would be homework sheets where students need to fill in the blank with the correct word or a spelling test. Teachers take the grades ELL students make in their class and assess if students need extra help like a tutor to better their English proficiency skills, (Miles, 2013). The way a school helps an ELL student achieve proficiency will vary depending on the requirements of the school district and state. Guthrie public schools is located in central Oklahoma. In the 2009-2010 Guthrie public schools had 108 English language learners out of 3,309 total students enrolled in the school district, (USA. com, 2011). They have adapted all of the state requirements which meet the federal No Child Left Behind act. Regardless, of the number of ELL students or location of the school, there school always be a way to identify, assess progress and proficiency level, keep teachers informed of ELLs language proficiency and ensure ELL students have access to grade-level content and develop new language skills simultaneously. Schools should always be prepared to receive new students into their school and welcome them with a positive school spirit. REFERENCES Miles, S. (2013). Phone interview, Head of ELL department for Guthrie Public Schools. Oklahoma Department of Education. (2012). Identification and Exit Criteria for Oklahomas English Language Learners. Retrieved from: http://ok. gov/sde/sites/ok. gov. sde/files/Bilingual-ID-ExitCriteria. pdf.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis Of The Leadership Of Kim Jong Il History Essay

Analysis Of The Leadership Of Kim Jong Il History Essay It is believed to be important to examine the life and leadership style of Kim Jong Il for several reasons. Among these reasons are the following. There is much talk about an absolute and/or unquestioning loyalty to Jong Il (e.g. Kang, 2006; Pollack, 2009), and it is deemed important to understand the reason for this. In addition, although North Korea bears the description The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, its political ideology appears to be in no way linked to democracy, and it is believed that the reason for this should be investigated. Also, of grave concern is how the people of North Korea continue to remain in submission to the inhumane treatment that they have been receiving, and how they have managed (i.e. despite the atrocities taking place in their country) to maintain the ideology that their homeland is literally Paradise on Earth (Hyun Sik, 2008, p.50). What allows North Koreans to perpetuate the thought that they are living in a chosen land (Hyun Sik, 2008, p.50) ? Does their political leader have anything to do with it? What about his leadership style? This paper is expected to unearth the truth behind the North Korean situation. It is believed to be important to understand the North Korean situation through the image of its leader, because of the nature of his leadership. Jong Il is described as one who has assumed absolute control of North Korea (Kang, 2006). He is what is known as a dictator. Consequently, it is believed that if he were to be properly examined then it may be understood why he is the way he is, how the people of North Korea have been affected by his rule as well as how things may be able to turn around for his country and people. To gain the above understanding, an academic research will be conducted on Jong Il in an effort to be able to assess his life and leadership style to gain the desired result. This research will be conducted in the form of a literature review. First the leaders biography will be presented followed by which his leadership style will be diagnosed and assessed within the context of Nahavandis text book on leadership (i.e. The Art and Science of Leadership, fifth edition). Through an analysis of the literature and Nahavandis text, the parallels between Jong Ils leadership style and the concepts discussed within the text will be identified in order for a critical assessment of the North Korean political leadership situation to take place. This assessment should be what will produce a conceptual understanding of the present political leadership within the North Korean context as well as how this leadership situation not only coincides with what Nahavandi (2009) presents, but also works to a ffect the lives of the North Korean people (i.e. inclusive of its leader, Jong Il, the one in question). A brief history of the leader It is unclear when Kim Jong Il was born as well as under what circumstances his birth took place. Jong Il, according to Pike (2009), was born on the 16th day of February, 1941. AE Television Networks (2009) also stated the same date of birth for Jong Il. However, both Pike (2009) and AE Television Networks (2009), acknowledge that Jong Ils year of birth was subsequently adjusted to 1942. The reason given by Pike (2009) for this change was that the same was expected to necessitate a thirty-year age difference between Jong Il and his father Il Sung. The circumstances surrounding Jong Ils birth remain a mystery. Many accounts have been given of the same. Some of these accounts include the following: Jong Ils family claimed that a swallow foretold his birth; others claim that a double rainbow appeared over Mount Baekdu when he was born, while some even stated that with the event of his birth, a new star appeared in the heavens. All these theories surrounding his birth take root in what is described as a cult of personality, which simply illustrates that legend and official North Korean government accounts describe [Jong Ils] life, character, and actions in ways that promote and legitimize his leadership (AE Television Networks, 2009). Needless to say, whether Jong Il was born in Khabarovsk, USSR or in a secret camp on Mt. Baekdu in Samjiyon County, Ryanggang Province (Pike, 2009), there appears to be something mystic about this leader. If there was not, then why would all of North Korea hail him as the Dear Leader and interpret hi s as well as his fathers existence through an analogy of Jesus Christ and God (i.e. with Jong Il being made to represent Jesus Christ in the minds of the North Korean people, while his father, Il Sung, is being made to represent God in the minds of the same) (AE Television Networks, 2009; Kang, 2006)? As Kang (2006) stated, the people of North Korea literally worship Jong Il just as they worshipped his father Kim Il Sung. One North Korean gave the following account of Jong Il: General Kim Jong Il is a rare great man of Baekdu type who was born at Mt. Baekdu, the sacred mountain of our nation, and made an unusual growth amidst the special revolutionary education of his parents, brilliant commanders of Baekdu, as well as the practical training of the revolutionary struggle. He personifies the revolutionary spirit, trait and nature of Mt. Baekdu. The revolutionary spirit of Mt. Baekdu personified by him is the spirit of independence associated with the soul of Baekdu, the spirit of gun inheriting the linage of Baekdu, the indefatigable revolutionary spirit replete with the mettle of Baekdu and the optimistic spirit consistent with cheerfulness of Baekdu. The revolutionary trait of Mt. Baekdu possessed by him is pluck and courage of Baekdu-style giant, ever-victorious sagacity of the brilliant commander of Baekdu, broad-mindedness befitting a heroic man, organizing ability of leading millions of people, indefatigable attacking spirit, strong ability of executi on (Pike, 2009). As mystic as Jong Il may have appeared, he was seen as one who demonstrated loyalty to his father Il Sung. This loyalty, according to Pike (2009), was demonstrated through Jong Ils involvement of the purging of his fathers guerrilla cronies as well as those who were not deemed personal friends of the Great Leader (Kang, 2006). It is believed that this loyalty to his father is what made him his fathers successor. Jong Il was described as forever being in politics. He was noted as being active in the Childrens Union a youth organization that promotes the concept of Juche (the spirit of self-reliance) as well as in the Democratic Youth League, where he engaged in the study of Marxist ideology (i.e. in relation to politics) (AE Television Networks, 2009). It is believed that in 1974, Jong Il was named the successor of the revolutionary cause of Juche, and that between 1971 and 1980; he was given positions of increasing importance within the Korean Workers Party (Pike, 2009). When Jong Il was named successor to the cause of Juche, he reportedly embarked on an initiative, which saw to the advancement of the program, which was concerned with the imbuing of the entire Korean society with the Juche ideology (Pike, 2009). Kim Jong Il reportedly had an interest in many disciplines, none of which he was particularly good at (Hyun Sik, 2008). One of the disciplines Jong Il was interested in was the arts. He was described by AE Television Networks (2009) as the overseer of the Propaganda and Agitation department in his country. This department was the one responsible for controlling the media as well as for censorship (AE Television Networks, 2009). As leader of this department, Jong Il reportedly used the mass media, literature and art, all media that fall under the umbrella term popular culture, to stretch his public image as well as to obtain popular support for himself (Pike, 2009). When Jong Ils father died in 1994, Jong Il reportedly assumed supreme power over the North Korean state. It is through this acquisition of power that Jong Il à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦micro-manages every detail of government business (Pike, 2009). Pike (2009) describes Jong Il as being opposite to his father. He is described as being impatient as well as a vivid displayer of extemporaneous behaviours. Jong Il is described as being arrogant and self-centered in policy decision making, unappreciative of criticism as well as opposing opinion and emotional when it comes to displaying his likes and dislikes (Pike, 2009). However, on his softer side, Jong Il is known to be a lover of movies (e.g. James Bond movies) and is known to have a personal collection of films in excess of 20000 (AE Television Networks, 2009). Nevertheless, despite the latter, Jong Il can be thought of as a sad case, because his legitimacy as ruler of North Korea is determined by the said countrys political system. As a result, Jong Il remains prisoner to a system into which he was born. There is nothing Jong Il could do to reform his nations political system without undermining his own legitimacy. Therefore, his only rational option is to uphold the system (P ike, 2009). Jong Ils upholding of the system is notably in the best interest of his country. A critical assessment of the life and leadership style of Kim Jong Il Kim Jong Il, on the basis of his biography, can be deemed a charismatic leader. However, he is of the unethical type. He is deemed a charismatic leader because he shows forth characteristics such as a high degree of self-confidence (expressed through his firm belief in his ideology), strong convictions about his ideas (which is based on him being unaccepting of criticisms as well as opposing opinions), expressiveness (manifested through his description of being an emotionally expressive individual) as well as activeness in image building (expressed through his use of popular culture to expand his popular image) (Nahavandi, 2009; Pike, 2009). However, although the above is true of Jong Il, he is also deemed to be unethical for several reasons. Jong Il is noted to use his power for personal gain or impact and to promote his personal vision (i.e. through the use of the Propaganda and Agitation Department), to censure critical or opposing views (i.e. through his unaccepting of them), to demand that his decisions be accepted without question (as manifested through the unquestioning compliance spoken of by Kang, 2006), to use one-way communication, and to be insensitive to followers needs (accounted for through Kangs description of the sufferings that the people of Korea are made to endure at the hand of Jong Il) (Howell Avolio, 1992). Although Jong Il uses his power indiscriminately, he can still be considered an effective leader. This is because based on the circumstances in his country; he uses his power to maintain the stability required for the effective functioning of the same. It may not be the view of many outside of North Korea. However, with the level of brainwashing the people of that land have received nothing seems wrong for most of not all. As it was noted earlier, even though Jong Ils leadership style is not the best, he has no choice than to ensure that it is perpetuated. This is because if he chooses to change the way his authority is ascribed to him (i.e. to reform the political system in his country); he will be doing himself more harm than good. As Pike (2009) described, Jong Il is a prisoner to the system; a prisoner in that even if he wants to change the system, he would not, because of the unwillingness to give up his supreme, divine status. It is what grants him his legitimacy as political l eader of North Korea, and it therefore cannot be changed without upsetting the present leaders legitimacy to rule over the state. Jong Il can therefore be placed within the context of the contingency era of leadership. This is because as Fiedler describes, his effectiveness as a leader is based on a match between his leadership style and the leadership situation (Nahavandi, 2009). Jong Il is effective as a leader because his leadership style matches his leadership situation (Nahavandi, 2009). Jong Ils leadership personality can also be interpreted in terms of the behaviorist perspective. It can be thought that Jong Il was trained to be the type of leader that he is. His father, Il Sung, ensured that Jong Il was groomed in a particular way from young. He (Jong Il) was made to attend specific schools; namely, Namsan Primary School (a school he later destroyed through bombing), Namsan Higher Middle School, and Kim Il Sung University (AE Television Networks, 2009; Hyun Sik, 2008). According to Hyun Sik (2008), these schools (afore mentioned) were reserved for the elite of the North Korean society, in particular, party officials above the rank of vice minister (p.47). At these schools, the concept of Juche was taught. Apart from attending these schools, Jong Il was able to nurse the Juche ideology from being in close contact with his father as well as through his involvement with the Childrens Union. Consequently, he was able to perpetuate its existence. Jong Il believably lea rned to be a dictator, an autocratic, because as his former instructor described, he was a shy young man (Hyun Sik, 2008). But what made him acquire this leadership personality? It is believed that Jong Il was predisposed to acquire certain behavioral characteristics that would have allowed him to be an effective leader today. It is believed that Jong Il was exposed to a great deal of charismatic experiences throughout his early life. As a result of this it is assumed that he has adopted a certain degree of charisma and that this very charisma is what he was able to use to sway the minds of the Korean people in the direction that he wanted them to go. Jong Il, because of his ability to manipulate the minds of the North Korean people, through the channel of indoctrination, as accounted for by Lankov (2007), can be described as an individual who scores high on the Machiavellian personality scale. Jong Il and his parents crafty use of supernatural accounts at the time of his birth were used to convince the people of North Korea that Jong Il is a deity. Consequently, the North Korean people found themselves worshipping Jong Il in much the same way as they worshi pped his father (Kang, 2006). Apart from Jong Il being made to look like a deity, he reportedly did all in his power to keep the people of North Korea thinking and acting in a particular way, a way that would ensure the continued legitimacy of his power that flows from his position as Supreme Leader/Ruler of the DPRK. For example, as stated by Lankov (2007), North Korea has maintained a self-imposed information blockade that is without parallel (p.71). North Koreans are not allowed to have free tuning radios, neither are they allowed to listen to news casts and programs that are from sources outside North Korea. This news blackout is supposed to keep North Koreans believing that their country is an earthly paradise (Lankov, 2007, p.71). In this way, North Koreans will cast a blind eye upon the inhumanities that Jong Il is said to bestow upon them, because they supposedly do not know any better. In other words, their reality is based purely on what Jong Il feeds them. So, although North Koreans may feel in their h earts and minds that something is wrong with the political leadership in their country (if even they do), they will continue to exist within a false reality, because of the unadulterated doctrine, which has been ingrained deep within their psyche. Continuing on the subject of power, the other sources of power that Kim Jong Il possesses is that of Coercive Power and Reverent Power. Nahavandi states that coercive power is the leaders ability to punish; persons comply for fear of this punishment. Kim Jong Il exercises his Coercive Power by ensuring that he attains full compliance from the people by instilling fear in them by threatening to arrest persons who refuses to adhere to his directives; deeming them political criminals. Jong Il also received Reverent Power through his coercive tactics on his people. He did this by mandating the people to worship him and his father and demanded that all believed and followed the principles of Juche. So not only was he their political leader her was their spiritual leader qualifying his Reverent power. Jong Il is accused of committing many heinous crimes against the North Korean people. Kang (2006) argues that he should be charged for crimes of war as well as of genocide. Kang (2006) argues that although Jong Il may not commit these crimes himself, he (in one way or another) sanctions them. Kang (2006) was careful to mention that the people of North Korea were mistreated on the basis of their religion and nationality. Christians and what were described as half-Han Chinese infants fathered by Chinese or other non-Koreans fell victim to Jong Ils rule. Women, who fled to China and got pregnant there, and were later forced to return to North Korea, were forced to have abortions. In the case of religion, any one who was deemed associated with any other religion besides Juche was persecuted by Jong Il. These persons were typically those who fled to countries outside North Korea seeking refuge, and were suspected of being influenced by outside intervention. However, unfortunately for th em, they were forced to return to their home land (Kang, 2006) where they paid the ultimate penalty for their supposed spiritual fornication. According to Kang (2006): One person testified that she saw prison security officers kill several Christians by pouring molten iron on them after they refused to renounce their religion and accept the state ideology of Juche. In particular, members of underground Christian churches and persons in contact with Christian missionaries have been subjected to harsh punishment, prolonged detention without charge, torture, or execution (p.99). Jong Il is so adamant about his belief in Juche that he went to great lengths to gain compliance from all persons dwelling within his territory of rule. Kang (2006) stated that the citizens of North Korea were literally mandated to worship Jong Il and his father based on what was known as the Ten Great Principles of Unique Ideology. Persons failing to comply with this order became political or ideological criminals and were made to suffer much abuse (inclusive of rape and the deprivation of food and medicine) (Kang, 2006). No one was spared the wrath of Jong Il from the smallest and most innocent of children to the oldest of adults, were made to suffer the consequences of their perceived defiance to Jong Il. For example, it was noted by Kang (2006) that Jong Il punished a nine year old and his family, because the child innocently scribbled over the faces of Jong Il and his father Il Sung that were printed in his text book. Neither the child nor his family was ever seen again; they l iterally vanished off the face of the earth. The interesting thing about Jong Il is that he ensured that he was awarded compliance from his citizens by instilling fear in them. Kang (2006) noted that In addition to [a] cult-like mentality [existing in North Korea], a culture of surveillance pervade[d] [the] North Korean societyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (p.56). Every individual was literally placed as each others watch man to ensure that each individual was living according to Jong Ils rules and/or orders. The Peoples Security Agency, the State Security Protection Agency, and the Korean Workers Party each plant[ed] their own informants in all work-places and units of organization', and since no one knew who exactly was an informant, they were all forced to be on their Ps and Qs (i.e. to be on their best behavior) (Kang, 2006). All these efforts to ensure forced compliance to Jong Il illustrates that the North Korean leader is definitely a high Mach because he is more than willing to do whatever is necessary to gain his desired end (i.e. e ven though it means manipulating other people [as he evidently did] or gaining his desires at the expense of other individuals). From the preceding essay, it can be deduced that Kim Jong Il is definitely the leader of a brutal dictatorship. He displays qualities of an autocrat, because he makes decisions on his own (i.e. without being opposed). The literature exposed him as one being intolerant of criticism and disfavoring of opposing opinions. Jong Il was described as a leader to which there was an unquestioning loyalty. Everything he ordered was executed by his subordinates (i.e. the people over which he ruled) without question. This occurred irrespective of whether the actions were right or wrong. Jong Il was termed a high Mach because he was seen as one using the legitimacy of his power to manipulate his followers into doing precisely what he wanted them to do (i.e. without care for how his desires were affecting the persons directly involved). Jong Il utilized fear tactics to ensure that he gained the compliance he required another indicator that he would score high on the Machiavellian personality scale. Apart from severely punishing people for defying him, he placed the North Korean people against each other by making them all spies for him. The North Korean leader appeared to be a possessor of charismatic qualities (i.e. he was deemed to be one born with special qualities for a special purpose). His birth was described as supernatural in occurrence, and the activities surrounding his birth were used as a tactic to gain the desired support from his followers. Jong Il, despite his negative qualities, appears to be an effective leader because he is able to maintain the stability required in his country. He appears to be operating under the contingency model of leadership because his leadership style appears to be directly related to his leadership situation. However, although Jong Il appears to be an effective leader, he is one that is unethical for various reasons. For example, Jong Il is noted to use his power for personal gain or impact and to promote his personal vision, to censure critical or opposing views, to demand that his decisions be accepted without question, to use one-way communication, and to be insensitive to followers needs all actions that are unethical by Howell and Avolios standards. Jong Il appears to be an explicit case of the nature/nurture principle. He is believed to be endowed with certain character traits (e.g. influence and/or charisma) nature that together with his ideology (Juche) and/or trained behavioral characteristics (authoritarianism or dictatorship) shapes his leadership style nurture. Jong Ils personality and leadership style have created a North Korea that sparks immense interest from the outside world. Apart from them being interpreted as treacherous, it is still unfathomable how the people of North Korea, at the hands of one man, can live to accept such an inhumane political system, and comply with it unquestioningly. Could this be a case demonstrating the share power of indoctrination or is it that North Koreas leader has emerged to be so powerful and feared, because his society provides the grounds for him to do so? Some food for thought.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay --

Daisy Horne Ms. Soppe English 101 18 November 2013 Abortion should be Illegal In 2008, approximately 1.21 million abortions took place in the U.S. This proves many people have desensitized themselves by taking human lives. Also, within the last decade moral values have changed drastically. People have also lost a sense of responsibility. Irresponsibility has led from small actions to big ones, such as getting an abortion. Everyday women choose to throw their own child away. Christians feel that abortion is synonymous with killing a life. Every life is a special one. Every life contributes to a bigger picture but people have given numerous â€Å"excuses† to explain their actions. If a person goes directly to prison for murdering someone then it shouldn’t be any different for a mother aborting her child. God doesn’t give special rights to pregnant women to make abortion okay. Abortion is unacceptable, cruel and an unethical practice that should be illegal. Many people aren’t even aware of what an abortion really is. An abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. There are two types of abortion, medical abortion and surgical abortion. A medical abortion involves taking the drug mifepristone; often called the abortion pill. A woman seeking a medical abortion can obtain one through doctors or through a medical office. Whichever way an abortion procedure is performed it is still wrong and cruel (Lowen 1). It’s personally known that some international ministries have built orphanages because of the lack of children to adopt. One international ministry just recently rescued 8 boys from slavery in Ghana, Africa. Ministries, organizations, and companies globally look for ways to promote a healthy living for young babies. Even i... ... from "What Does the Bible Say About Abortion?" Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 13 May 2013. Hernandez, Barbara. "Rape Justifies Abortion." Abortion. Ed. Tamara L. Roleff. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1997. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 13 May 2013. ProCon.org. "Abortion ProCon.org." ProCon.org. 8 May 2013. Web. 13 May. 2013. Smith, Mailee R. "Parents Have a Right to Know About Teen Abortion." Teens and Privacy. Ed. Noà «l Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011. Current Controversies. Rpt. from "Parental Involvement Laws: Protecting Minors and Parental Rights." Defending Life 2009. Americans United for Life, 2009. 177-179.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 13 May 2013. Stacey, Dawn, M.Ed., LMHC. "About Abortion - Abortion Procedures." About.com Contraception. 3 August 2009. The Holy Bible. Wheaton, Illinois: Good News, 2011. Print.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Polythene: Plastic Shopping Bags

Polythene pollution is everywhere, and the problem is getting worse. For most of us, the problem is seen as one of visual pollution, where plastic bags litter streets, roadways, and in some cases scenic areas across the country. No one will argue that polythene is useful. The plastic bags we use to carry home food or products are for the most part very light and very strong. Using these bags is not really the problem. The problem, leading to polythene pollution, is the improper methods of disposing of the bags.They've been marketed as throw-away items, and that is all too often what we do, except they don’t always end up in the garbage. Save A Tree – Polythene wasn't introduced as a bad thing. It wasn't all that many years ago that we started using plastic bags to â€Å"save a tree†. By using paper bags for groceries, it seemed like we were cutting down trees, using the wood or pulp products on a one time basis, and then throwing the product away. The message was , we were on the verge of making a renewable resource, trees, a non-renewable one.everal design options and features are available. Some bags have gussets to allow a higher volume of contents. Some have the ability to stand up on a shelf or a refrigerator. Some have easy-opening or reclosable options. Handles are cut into or added onto some.Plastic bags usually use less material than comparable boxes, cartons, or jars, thus are often considered as â€Å"reduced or minimized packaging†.Depending on the construction, plastic bags can be well suited for plastic recycling. They can be incinerated in appropriate facilities for waste-to-energy conversion. They are stable and benign in sanitary landfills. If disposed of improperly, however, plastic bags can create unsightly litter and harm some types of wildlife.Bags are also made with carrying handles, hanging holes, tape attachments, security features, etc. Some bags have provisions for easy and controlled opening. Reclosable feat ures, including press-to-seal zipper strips such as Ziploc, are common for kitchen bags. Some bags are sealed and can only be opened by destroying the packaging, providing some tamper-evident capability.Bags can be made with a variety of plastics films. Polyethylene (LDPE, LLDPE etc.) is the most common. Other forms, including laminates and coextrusions can be used when the physical properties are needed.Boil-in-bags are often used for sealed frozen foods, sometimes complete entres. The bags are usually tough heat-sealed nylon or polyester to withstand the temperatures of boiling water. Some bags are porous or perforated to allow the hot water to contact the food: rice, noodles, etc.Bag-In-Box packaging is often used for liquids such as wine and institutional sizes of other liquids.Often times, children may attempt to use bags as a sort of makeshift kite. By tying string to the handles, they are able to successfully glide them, provided there is a gentle breeze, until they lose thei r grip or grow weary of holding them and simply let go, unaware of the fact that they are endangering animals' lives.Plastic shopping bagsMain article: Plastic shopping bag Open bags with carrying handles are used in large numbers nationwide. Stores often provide them as a convenience to shoppers. Some stores charge a nominal fee for a bag. Heavy-duty reusable shopping bags are often considered environmentally better than single-use paper or plastic shopping bags.Waste disposal bagsMain article: Bin bag Flexible intermediate bulk container Main article: Flexible intermediate bulk container Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (Big bags, bulk bags, etc.) are large industrial containers, usually used for powders or flowables.Use of plastic bags internationallyThe number of plastic bags used worldwide has been estimated to be on the order of 1 trillion annually. The use of plastic bags differs dramatically across countries. While the average consumer in China uses only 2 or 3 plastic bags a year, the numbers are much higher in most other countries: Denmark: 4, Ireland: 18, Germany: 65, USA: > 300, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia: more than 400. In order to reduce plastic bag consumption, the European Union has suggested to pass new regulations.Danger to childrenThin plastic bags, especially dry cleaning bags, have the potential for causing suffocation. About 25 children in the United States suffocate each year due to plastic bags, 99.2% are under the age of one. This has led to voluntary warning labels on some bags which may pose a hazard to small children.Danger to marine wildlifePlastic bags, which escape the garbage collection process, often end up in streams, which then lead them to end up in the open ocean. Because they float, and resemble a jellyfish, plastic bags pose significant dangers to marine mammals, such as Leatherback sea turtles, when they enter their digestive tract. Because plastic bags cause damage to ocean marine life, litter city streets, and cont ribute to carbon emissions in their manufacture and shipping, some towns in the United States, including San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Seattle, WA and Austin, TX have begun to ban or restrict the use of plastic bags, usually starting with plastic shopping bags. Polythene: Plastic Shopping Bags Polythene pollution is everywhere, and the problem is getting worse. For most of us, the problem is seen as one of visual pollution, where plastic bags litter streets, roadways, and in some cases scenic areas across the country. No one will argue that polythene is useful. The plastic bags we use to carry home food or products are for the most part very light and very strong. Using these bags is not really the problem. The problem, leading to polythene pollution, is the improper methods of disposing of the bags. They've been marketed as throw-away items, and that is all too often what we do, except they don’t always end up in the garbage.Save A Tree – Polythene wasn't introduced as a bad thing. It wasn't all that many years ago that we started using plastic bags to â€Å"save a tree†. By using paper bags for groceries, it seemed like we were cutting down trees, using the wood or pulp products on a one time basis, and then throwing the product away. The message was , we were on the verge of making a renewable resource, trees, a non-renewable one. everal design options and features are available. Some bags have gussets to allow a higher volume of contents. Some have the ability to stand up on a shelf or a refrigerator. Some have easy-opening or reclosable options.Handles are cut into or added onto some. Plastic bags usually use less material than comparable boxes, cartons, or jars, thus are often considered as â€Å"reduced or minimized packaging†. Depending on the construction, plastic bags can be well suited for plastic recycling. They can be incinerated in appropriate facilities for waste-to-energy conversion. They are stable and benign in sanitary landfills. If disposed of improperly, however, plastic bags can create unsightly litter and harm some types of wildlife. [3][4] Bags are also made with carrying handles, hanging holes, tape attachments, security features, etc.Some bags have provisions for easy and controlled opening. Reclos able features, including press-to-seal zipper strips such as Ziploc, are common for kitchen bags. Some bags are sealed and can only be opened by destroying the packaging, providing some tamper-evident capability. Bags can be made with a variety of plastics films. Polyethylene (LDPE, LLDPE etc. ) is the most common. Other forms, including laminates and coextrusions can be used when the physical properties are needed. Boil-in-bags are often used for sealed frozen foods, sometimes complete entres.The bags are usually tough heat-sealed nylon or polyester to withstand the temperatures of boiling water. Some bags are porous or perforated to allow the hot water to contact the food: rice, noodles, etc. Bag-In-Box packaging is often used for liquids such as wine and institutional sizes of other liquids. Often times, children may attempt to use bags as a sort of makeshift kite. By tying string to the handles, they are able to successfully glide them, provided there is a gentle breeze, until t hey lose their grip or grow weary of holding them and simply let go, unaware of the fact that they are endangering animals' lives.Plastic shopping bags[edit] Main article: Plastic shopping bag Open bags with carrying handles are used in large numbers nationwide. Stores often provide them as a convenience to shoppers. Some stores charge a nominal fee for a bag. Heavy-duty reusable shopping bags are often considered environmentally better than single-use paper or plastic shopping bags. Waste disposal bags[edit] Main article: Bin bag Flexible intermediate bulk container[edit] Main article: Flexible intermediate bulk container Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (Big bags, bulk bags, etc.) are large industrial containers, usually used for powders or flowables.Use of plastic bags internationally[edit] The number of plastic bags used worldwide has been estimated to be on the order of 1 trillion annually. The use of plastic bags differs dramatically across countries. While the average co nsumer in China uses only 2 or 3 plastic bags a year, the numbers are much higher in most other countries: Denmark: 4, Ireland: 18, Germany: 65, USA: > 300, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia: more than 400. In order to reduce plastic bag consumption, the European Union has suggested to pass new regulations.Danger to children[edit] Thin plastic bags, especially dry cleaning bags, have the potential for causing suffocation. About 25 children in the United States suffocate each year due to plastic bags, 99. 2% are under the age of one. This has led to voluntary warning labels on some bags which may pose a hazard to small children. Danger to marine wildlife[edit] Plastic bags, which escape the garbage collection process, often end up in streams, which then lead them to end up in the open ocean.Because they float, and resemble a jellyfish, plastic bags pose significant dangers to marine mammals, such as Leatherback sea turtles, when they enter their digestive tract. Because plastic bags cause da mage to ocean marine life, litter city streets, and contribute to carbon emissions in their manufacture and shipping, some towns in the United States, including San Francisco, CA, Portland, OR, Seattle, WA and Austin, TX have begun to ban or restrict the use of plastic bags, usually starting with plastic shopping bags.