Monday, December 23, 2019

The Mysterious Science Of Modern Day Food - 1802 Words

The Mysterious Science of Modern Day Food Food we all love it we would even go to war to guarantee that we have it. Food has changed more than you would have expected in the last decade. Ever since the U.S. Food and drug administration approved the Flavr Savr tomato to be sold in grocery stores in 1994, the genetic composition of our everyday foods have been changing at an alarming rate. World Health Organization defines genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as organisms in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally. It allows selected individual genes to be transferred from one organism into another, including between non related species. Such methods are used to create GMO plants which†¦show more content†¦The question is, is it worth it to continue consuming GMO foods when there is a definite possibility of health risk. I believe that GMOs are a some what new and unexplored area of food and should not be considered safe to eat till more legitimate studies are conduct ed. Food allergies are always a possible conundrum when the genetic material of food is tampered with. Food Allergy affects approximately 5% of children and 2% of adults in the United States. Although no allergic reactions to GM food by consumers have been confirmed, in vitro evidence suggesting that some GM products could cause an allergic reaction has motivated biotechnology companies to discontinue their development. A team led by University of Nebraska scientists found that a Brazil nut protein introduced to improve the nutritional quality of GM soybeans was able to provoke an allergic reaction in people with Brazil nut allergies. Soy allergies increased by 50% in the United Kingdom. just after GMO soy was introduced. If GMO soy was the cause, it may be due to several things. The GMO protein that makes Monsanto’s Roundup Ready Soy resistant to the herbicide does not have a history of safe use in humans and may be an allergen. In fact, sections of its amino acid sequence are i dentical to known allergens. The Universities study headed by Rakhi Panda also showed evidence that

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