Friday, May 22, 2020

Famous Christmas Poems in German and English

Many German poems celebrate the Christmas holiday. Among the best are three well-known and short verses by the great poets Rainer Marie Rilke, Anne Ritter, and Wilhelm Busch. Though they were written over a century ago, they remain favorites today. Here you will find the original poems in German as well as the English translations. These are not necessarily  literal translations as some poetic liberty was taken in a few places to retain the voice and style of the poets. "Advent" by Rainer Marie Rilke Rainer Marie Rilke (1875–1926) was destined for the military, but an insightful uncle pulled the Prague-born student from a military academy and set him up for a literary career. Before entering Charles University in Prague, Rilke had published his first volume of poetry entitled Leben and Lieder (Life and Songs). Rilke spent years traveling around Europe, had met Tolstoy in Russia, and found lyrical poetry while in Paris. Among his best-known works  were Das Stunden Buch (The Book of Hours, 1905) and  Sonnets of Orpheus (1923). The prolific poet was admired by fellow artists but otherwise generally unrecognized by the public.   Advent was one of Rilkes earliest poems, written in 1898. Es treibt der Wind im Winterwaldedie Flockenherde wie ein Hirt,und manche Tanne ahnt, wie baldesie fromm und lichterheilig wird,und lauscht hinaus. Den weißen Wegenstreckt sie die Zweige hin - bereit,und wehrt dem Wind und wà ¤chst entgegender einen Nacht der Herrlichkeit. English Translation of Advent The wind in the winter white foresturges the snowflakes along like a shepherd,and many a fir tree senseshow soon she holy and sacredly lighted will be,and so listens carefully. She extends her branchestowards the white paths – ever ready,resisting the wind and growing towardsthat great night of glory. "Vom Christkind" by Anne Ritter Anne Ritter (1865–1921) was born Anne Nuhn in Coburg, Bavaria. Her family moved to New York City while she was still young, but she returned to Europe to attend boarding schools. Married to Rudolf Ritter in 1884, Ritter settled in Germany. Ritter is known for her lyrical poetry and Vom Christkind is one of her best-known works. It is often referenced using the first line as the title, commonly translated as I think I saw the Christ Child. It is a very popular German poem thats often recited at Christmas time. Denkt euch, ich habe das Christkind gesehen!Es kam aus dem Walde, das Mà ¼tzchen voll Schnee, mit rotgefrorenem Nà ¤schen.Die kleinen Hà ¤nde taten ihm weh,denn es trug einen Sack, der war gar schwer,schleppte und polterte hinter ihm her.Was drin war, mà ¶chtet ihr wissen?Ihr Naseweise, ihr Schelmenpack-denkt ihr, er wà ¤re offen, der Sack?Zugebunden, bis oben hin!Doch war gewiss etwas Schà ¶nes drin!Es roch so nach Äpfeln und Nà ¼ssen! English Translation of From the Christ Child Can you believe it! I have seen the Christ child.He came out of the forest, his hat full of snow,With a red frosted nose.His little hands were sore,Because he carried a heavy sack,That he dragged and lugged behind him,What was inside, you want to know?So you think the sack was openyou cheeky, mischievous bunch?It was bound, tied at the topBut there was surely something good insideIt smelled so much like apples and nuts. "Der Stern" by Wilhelm Busch Wilhelm Busch (1832–1908) was born in Widensahl, Hanover in Germany. Better known for his drawings, he was also a poet and combining the two led to his most famous work. Busch is considered the godfather of German comics. His success came after developing short and humorous drawings adorned with comedic lyrics. The famous childrens series, Max and Moritz, was his  debut and is said to be the precursor to the modern comic strip. He is honored today with the Wilhelm Busch German Museum of Caricature   Drawing Art in Hanover. The poem Der Stern remains a favorite recitation during the holiday season and has a wonderful rhythm in its original German. Hà ¤tt einer auch fast mehr Verstandals wie die drei Weisen aus dem Morgenlandund ließe sich dà ¼nken, er wà ¤re wohl niedem Sternlein nachgereist, wie sie;dennoch, wenn nun das Weihnachtsfestseine Lichtlein wonniglich scheinen là ¤ÃƒÅ¸t,fà ¤llt auch auf sein verstà ¤ndig Gesicht,er mag es merken oder nicht,ein freundlicher Strahldes Wundersternes von dazumal. English Translation: The Star If someone had almost more understandingthan the three Wise Men from the OrientAnd actually thought that he would never have followed the star like them,Nevertheless when the Christmas SpiritLets its light blissfully shine,Thus illuminating his intelligent face,He may notice it or not -A friendly beamFrom the miracle star of long ago.

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